[image 03561] APSIPA TSIP 特集号:Data-Driven Image, Video and Multimedia Content Analysis: the Current and the Future

Yuichi Tanaka ytnk @ cc.tuat.ac.jp
2019年 6月 8日 (土) 19:26:41 JST

image-ML のみなさま,

東京農工大の田中雄一です.APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing
では,"Data-Driven Image, Video and Multimedia Content Analysis: the
Current and the Future"

* Current and emerging multimedia contents analysis
* Data-driven signal analysis for cross-over applications
* Performance improvement of computer vision field via artificial intelligence
* Deep-learning technology for signal processing analysis
* Validation, verification, and performance assessment methodologies
of signal   processing/computer vision algorithms
* Signal processing analysis for medicine, aesthetics, psychology,
humanities, and theology and arts.

投稿〆切は6/30,出版予定は12月を予定しております.APSIPA TSIP のウェブサイトも

私も Guest Editor を務めておりますので,ご質問等あれば私までよろしくお願いいたします.


Yuichi Tanaka, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency
2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8588  JAPAN
Phone: +81 42 388 7150
Email: ytnk @ cc.tuat.ac.jp, tanaka @ msp-lab.org
URL: http://tanaka.msp-lab.org

image メーリングリストの案内