[image 04111] 特任研究員(特任助教)の公募, Pos-doc positions
Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
tetsuya @ mail.crmind.net
2020年 9月 29日 (火) 11:07:20 JST
image MLの皆様、
English follows:
1. 特任研究員(or 特任助教)2名
2. 職務内容: データ解析と数理モデリングの方法論を融合して、
(1) ライブセルオミクスによる細胞状態推定とダイナミクスの理解と予測 (若本CRESTプロジェクト)
(2) 嗅覚系および適応免疫系が多種の化学分子を分散認知する機構のデータ駆動・数理融合による理解とその応用 (味の素共同研究)
3. 任 期: 採用日は、令和3年4月1日以降のなるべく早い時期(応相談)。
4. 給与: 本学支給基準に基づき,能力・経歴により決定(月給35〜43万円を予定)
5. 勤務地: 東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区駒場)
6. 公募締切日:令和2年11月27日(金曜日)(必着)
With apologies for cross-posting- please pass to those you think may
be interested.
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work
under the supervision of Professor Tetsuya J. Kobayashi, Institute of
industrial science, the University of Tokyo.
The post holder will lead efforts in the following projects where
informatics and mathematics are integrated to understand and predict
biological systems.
You will have excellent skills in either informatics or applied mathematics.
Research experience on biological topics is not requisite.
Please refer to the following site for more details and the official
call for applications:
1. Postdoctoral Research Fellow: 2
2. Job description: The post holder will lead efforts in the following
projects where informatics and mathematics are integrated to
understand and predict biological systems:
(1) Deciphering cellular state and prediction of its dynamics by
live-cell-omics technology (JST Wakamot CREST Project)
(2) Understanding and prediction of molecular recognition mechanisms
in mammalian olfaction and adaptive immunity (Collaboration with
Ajinomoto, Co)
You may find more details from the site shown above.
3. Start Date: As soon as after 2021/April/1 (yet, still negotiable)
The contract is renewable on a fiscal year basis. Renewal depends
on the project term.
4. Salary: 350,000 YEN - 430,000 YEN(depending on experiences and skills)
5. Location: Institute of Industrial Science, UTokyo (Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
6. Deadline:2020/Nov/27 (Fri)
* Applications will be upon their arrivals.
* The opportunity will be closed when the position is filled.
Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
Email:tetsuya @ mail.crmind.net
Room Ce501, Bld. C, 4-6-1 KOMABA MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153-8505,
JAPANInstitute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.
image メーリングリストの案内