[image 04425] APSIPA Research Abstract 投稿募集

Masahiro Okuda masokuda @ mail.doshisha.ac.jp
2021年 8月 18日 (水) 09:52:42 JST


APSIPA ASCではResearch Abstractの投稿を募集しております。
から150-500 wordsのAbstractを投稿いただけます。投稿期限はSeptember 10となっております。

13th APSIPA ASC 2021, 14 - 17 December 2021 Tokyo, Japan

APSIPA ASC 2021 invites a Research Abstract submission (150-500 words). The submission site is now available at 

The deadline is September 10, 2021.

If the submission is accepted for presentation after review, it will be placed in on-demand sessions. Note that Research Abstract will not appear in IEEE Xplore. The review criteria of the Research Abstract submission are similar to the regular submission, and we evaluate the following aspects overall:
- Importance/Relevance 
- Novelty/Originality
- Experimental Validation
- Clarity

More details are available on the conference website www.apsipa2021.org .

image メーリングリストの案内