[image 04476] [CFP] Call for Participation: AIMLSystems'21
Ichiro IDE
ide @ i.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2021年 9月 30日 (木) 21:46:47 JST
Image MLの皆様,
AIMLSystems 2021:
The 1st International Conference on AI-ML-Systems
(An Initiative of the COMSNETS Association)
21 - 23 October 2021
Bangalore, India
In-Cooperation With: MeitY
Patrons: MINRO, TCS Research, AMAZON, Prof. Ram Kumar Memorial Foundation, ZENTREE LABS
Technical Partner: TSDSI
AIMLSystems is a new conference targeting research at the intersection of Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques.
Through this conference, we plan to examine how immense strides in AI/ML techniques are made possible through advances in the computational systems and how the use of AI/ML can help in the data-driven explorations of the design space of the computational systems. We also investigate how new breeds of AI/ML systems enable new forms of socio-techno-economic systems and they, in turn generate new requirements for research in AI/ML techniques.
This conference series is an initiative of the COMSNETS Association, a not-for-profit society, which has organized the prestigious COMSNETS conference every year since 2009.
Topics of Interest
The areas of interest are broadly categorized into the following three streams:
* Systems for AI/ML (e.g., CPU/GPU architectures for AI/ML; Embedded hardware for AI/ML workloads; Data intensive systems for efficient and distributed training; Challenges in production deployment of ML systems; Efficient model training, optimization and inference; Hardware efficient ML methods; Resource-constrained ML; etc.)
* AI/ML for Systems (e.g., AI/ML for VLSI and architecture design; AI/ML in compiler optimization; AI/ML in data management - including database optimizations, virtualization, etc.; AI/ML for networks - design of networks, load modeling, etc.; AI/ML for power management - green computing, power models, etc.)
* Applications of AI/ML in Socio-Economic Systems Design (e.g., Computational design and analysis of socio-economic systems; Fair and bias-free systems for social welfare, business platforms; Applications of AI/ML in the design, short-/long-term analysis of cyber-physical systems; Mechanism design for socio-economic systems; Applications of AI/ML in financial systems; etc.)
Research Keynote Speakers
Sang Cha, SNU, Korea
Juliana Freire, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, USA
Johannes Gehrke, Microsoft Research, USA
Sergei Kuznetsov, HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Geoff Webb, Monash University, Australia
Gerhard Weikum, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
Industrial Insights Keynote Speakers
Anand Deshpande, Persistent Systems, India
Daniel Keller, Visable Labs GmbH, Germany
Ananth Krishnan, TCS, India
Rajeev Rastogi, Amazon Research, India
Panel Discussion
Panel 1:
Topic: Making algorithmic decision systems unbiased
Moderator: Y Narahari, IISc Bengaluru, India
Panel 2:
Topic: Machine intelligence and the next pandemic: Are we ready?
Moderator: Vijay Chandru, IISc Bengaluru, India
Panel 2:
Topic: AI in 2030: The Age of Autonomous Systems
Moderator: Vijay Gabale, Infilect Technologies, India
Technical Sessions
Research Papers
Industry Track
Doctoral Symposium
Register at: https://www.aimlsystems.org/2021/registration
■ 井手 一郎 ide @ i.nagoya-u.ac.jp ■
■ 名古屋大学 数理・データ科学教育研究センター 基盤教育部門 ■
■ /大学院情報学研究科 知能システム学専攻 ■
■ 電話/ファクシミリ:(052)789-3313[直通] ■
■ 住所:〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町1 IB電子情報館北棟1021号室 ■
■ WWW: http://www.murase.is.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~ide/index-j.html ■
image メーリングリストの案内