[image 04931] 講演会のお知らせ(12月14日(水) 13:30-14:30:Prof. Partha Pratim Roy (IIT, Roorkee) )
Hitoshi HABE
habe @ info.kindai.ac.jp
2022年 12月 13日 (火) 09:17:25 JST
image-ml の皆様,
講演者は、インドのIIT Roorkee校のProf. Partha Pratim Royです。
オンラインでも中継する予定です。Zoomで参加される場合は、以下からお入りく ださい。
ミーティングID: 947 9933 3287
パスコード: 233459
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日時:12月14日(水) 13:30〜14:30
場所:大阪公立大学 なかもずキャンパス B4棟西K401
Title: Decoding the cognitive states of attention and distraction in a
real-life setting using EEG
Abstract : Lapses in attention can have serious consequences in
situations such as driving a car, hence there is considerable interest
in tracking it using neural measures. However, as most of these
studies have been done in highly controlled and artificial laboratory
settings, we want to explore whether it is also possible to determine
attention and distraction using electroencephalogram (EEG) data
collected in a natural setting using machine/deep learning. 24
participants volunteered for the study. Data were collected from pairs
of participants simultaneously while they engaged in Tibetan Monastic
debate, a practice that is interesting because it is a real-life
situation that generates substantial variability in attention states.
We found that a LSTM classified attention and distraction with maximum
accuracy of 95.86.
Biography: Dr. Partha Pratim Roy (Senior Member, IEEE) is presently
working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Roorkee. He received his Masters in 2006 and Ph.D. in 2010 from
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. He did postdoctoral stays in
France and Canada from 2010 to 2013. Dr. Roy gathered industrial
experience while working about 4 years in TCS and Samsung. In Samsung,
he was a part-leader of the Computer Vision research team. He is the
recipient of the “Best Student Paper” awarded by the International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2009, Spain.
He was listed in the Top 2% scientists by Stanford University in 2020
and 2021. He has published more than 250 research papers in various
international journals, and conference proceedings. He has
co-organized several international conferences and workshops, has been
a member of the Program Committee of a number of international
conferences, and acts as a reviewer for many journals in the field.
His research interests include Pattern Recognition, Document Image
Processing, Biometrics, and Human-Computer Interaction. He is
presently serving as Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Asian and
Low-Resource Language Information Processing, IET Image Processing,
IET Biometrics, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, and
Springer Nature Computer Science.
### E-mail address has been changed ###
Masakazu Iwamura, Ph.D.
Dept. of Core Informatics
Graduate School of Informatics
Osaka Metropolitan University
1-1 Gakuencho, Naka, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
Tel : +81-72-254-9277 Fax : +81-72-254-8291
Web: http://imlab.jp/~masa/
E-mail: masa.i @ omu.ac.jp, miwamura @ ieee.org
image メーリングリストの案内