[image 04767] [Deadline Extended to: Aug. 5] ACMMM Asia 2022 @ Tokyo
Shin'ichi Satoh
satoh @ nii.ac.jp
2022年 7月 21日 (木) 19:33:54 JST
国立情報学研究所の佐藤真一です。ACM Multimedia Asia 2022の本会議論文投
-- Shin'ichi
<< ACM Multimedia Asia 2022 @ Tokyo: Deadline extension for Regular/Short papers >>
The deadline for regular/short paper submission has been extended to August 5th.
We are looking forward to your submissions !
Call for Regular/Short/Demo Paper
ACM Multimedia ASIA 2022
December 13-16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan
Important Dates
* Regular/Short Paper Submission: August 5, 2022 <<extended>>
* Demo Paper Submission: August 19, 2022
* Tutorial Proposals Submission: August 26, 2022
- Tutorial Proposals Notification: September 16, 2022
- Regular/Short Paper Notification: September 16, 2022
- Demo Paper Notification: September 23, 2022
The submission deadline is at 11:59pm(AoE) of the stated deadline date.
Call for Paper
ACM Multimedia Asia 2022 invites submission of research papers presenting novel theoretical and algorithmic solutions addressing problems across the domain of multimedia and related applications. The conference also encourages visionary papers on new and emerging topics; papers presenting novel ideas with promising (preliminary) results in realizing these ideas; application-oriented papers that make innovative technical contributions to social good, healthcare, etc. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
<<Multimedia Content Understanding>>
- Multimedia and Vision
- Multimodal Analysis and Description
- Multimodal Integration and Alignment
- Deep Learning for Multimedia
- Vision and Language
<<Engaging Users with Multimedia>>
- Emotional and Social Signals in Multimedia
- Multimedia Search and Recommendation
- Social Multimedia
- Multimedia for Collaboration in Education
- Multimedia HCI and Quality of Experience
- Multimedia Virtual/Augmented Reality
- Multimedia for Social Goods
- Multimedia for HealthCare
- Multimedia Art, Entertainment and Culture
- Music and Audio Processing in Multimedia
- Interactions and Quality of Experiences
- Multimedia Applications
<<Multimedia Systems>>
- Multimedia Systems and Middleware
- Multimedia Systems Management and Indexing
- Multimedia Transport and Delivery
- Mobile Multimedia
Regular papers must be no longer than 6 pages, including all text and figures,
while short papers must be no longer than 4 pages in the ACM Template.
There is no limit to the pages of references. The detail information
is available at https://mmasia2022.org/ .
Location and Venue
The conference will be held in Tokyo, the most safety, attractive, and convenient city located in Japan. Our venue, the Yayoi Auditorium in The University of Tokyo, is in the heart of the city,
and is easily reachable from all over the world. We will provide the way for online attendance as well.
General, Progral and Local Chairs
- General Chairs
Kiyoharu Aizawa, The University of Tokyo
Phoebe Chen, La Trobe
Shuqiang Jiang, CAS
Keiji Yanai, The University of Electro-Communications
- Program Chairs
Toshihiko Yamasaki, The University of Tokyo
Jing Liu, CAS
Winston Hsu, NTU
Wei Tsang Ooi, NUS
Rei Kawakami, Titech
- Local Chairs
Yusuke Matsui, The University of Tokyo
Xueting Wang, CyberAgent
Zheng Wang, Wuhan University
Ryosuke Furuta, The University of Tokyo
image メーリングリストの案内