[image 04672] [CfP] CEA++2022 in conjunction with ACMMM2022 @Lisbon, Portugal

Ichiro IDE ide @ i.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2022年 5月 6日 (金) 15:05:10 JST

Image MLの皆様,





投稿締切は2022年7月1日(23:59 UTC-12)となっております.


_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_ Call for Papers _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_
International Workshop on
Multimedia for Cooking, Eating, and related APPlications (CEA++) 2022
in conjunction with
the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM2022)
Lisbon, Portugal
One day during October 10-14, 2022
Web: https://sigcea.org/workshop/2022/

Food is one of the central elements in our society. We eat a meal
more than fifty thousand times before we die; enhancing the daily
food experience impacts our quality of life. There is a wide range
of industries for supporting our eating activities. At the same time,
however, there are many unsolved social problems, such as lifestyle-
related diseases and sustainability. Technology-oriented solutions
are vital since these social problems are often a trade-off with
individual satisfaction.
Multimedia is a key technology to understand food-related activities.
When tasting food, we use the full sensitivities of our mouths.
Multi-modal sensing for food tasting is a fundamental technology to
know the micro-level eating experience. Such an experience may be
described on the Web, creating various contents such as reviews,
recipes, and any types of SNS communications. Analyzing such contents
gives us a macro-level understanding of the tendency of food-related
social behavior. An end-to-end computation from micro-level to macro-
level information is a kind of ultimate multimedia technology.
We believe that computationally understanding such a multimedia
information flow, reproducing good experiences, and changing human
behavior must contribute to society.
As the fourteenth meeting of this workshop series, it aims to provide
an opportunity for research groups concerning food-related social
problems to discover each other, introduce their trials, and emerge
brave new ideas to solve their problems with multimedia technologies.
Note that this year's workshop will be collocated with MADiMa2022,
and share some events to communicate with each other.

Studies motivated by ...
- Behavior change on food intake
- Improvement on satisfaction of eating
- Food-mediated communications / interactions / advertisement
  / learning / rehabilitations
- Well-being and social good on cooking and eating
- Any other food-related social problems

Studies related to ...
- Machine learning technologies for cooking and eating activities
- Food-related knowledge collection and analysis on the Web
- Analysis on five senses at eating
- Food-related illusion via multimedia technologies
- Human-in-the-loop for food-related contents creation
- Robot / gadget / intelligent environment for cooking and eating
- Brain / mental / emotional activity analysis on food-related
- Dataset and tools on cooking and eating activities

[Important Dates]
- Paper submission deadline
    July 1, 2022 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Notification of acceptance
    July 29, 2022 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Camera-ready deadline
    August 21, 2022 (23:59 UTC-12)

[Paper / Presentation Format]
- Short paper track: max four pages, including all text, figures, and
- Long paper track: max eight pages of content, plus up to two pages
  of references (as the regulation of the main conference).
- Poster track: a track for the works already reviewed and published
  recently (i.e., after July 2021, one year before the deadline).
  No manuscripts are required for this track, but the authors clarify
  the published work at the submission. We accept papers as much as
  possible, but no papers will be listed in the proceedings. If there
  are too many valid submissions, we will randomly select the papers.

[Organizing Committee]
- Honorary Co-chairs
    Ramesh Jain (UC Irvine, US)
    Kiyoharu Aizawa (The Univ. of Tokyo, JP)
- General Chair:
    Yoko Yamakata (The Univ. of Tokyo, JP)
- Program Chair:
    Atsushi Hashimoto (Kyoto Univ., JP)
    Jingjing Chen (Fudan Univ., CN)
- Organizing Co-chairs:
    Keisuke Doman (Chukyo Univ., JP)
    Katsufumi Inoue (Osaka Metropolitan Univ., JP)
- Publicity Co-chairs:
    Ichiro Ide (Nagoya Univ., JP)
    Chong-Wah Ngo (Singapore Management Univ., SG)

contact @ workshop.sigcea.org

[Past Activities]
Web: https://sigcea.org/#history
- CEA2021 @ ICMR2021
- CEA2020 @ ICMR2020
- CEA2019 @ ICMR2019
- CEA2018 @ IJCAI2018
- CEA2017 @ IJCAI2017
- CEA2017 @ IJCAI2017
- CEA2016 @ ICME2016
- CEA2015 @ ICME2015
- CEA2014 @ UbiComp2014
- CEA2013 @ ACMMM2013
- CEA2012 @ ACMMM2012
- CEA2011 @ ISM2011
- CEA2010 @ ISM2010
- CEA2009 @ ACMMM2009
■ 井手 一郎 					    ide @ i.nagoya-u.ac.jp  ■
■ 名古屋大学 大学院情報学研究科 知能システム学専攻			  ■
■ 	      /数理・データ科学教育研究センター 基盤教育部門		  ■
■	電話/ファクシミリ:(052)789-3313[直通]			  ■
■	住所:〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町1 IB電子情報館南棟457号室	  ■
■ 	WWW: http://www.cs.is.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/users/ide/index-j.html

image メーリングリストの案内