[image 04684] 公募情報:東京農工大学工学府機械システム工学専攻講師(PI)(女性限定)

ikuko . ikuko @ cc.tuat.ac.jp
2022年 5月 13日 (金) 14:45:08 JST


http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~mechsys/koubo/koubo22a.html をご覧下さい.


東京農工大学 工学府 機械システム工学専攻 講師(女性限定)公募

さらには,研究・教育を推進する経験を重ねた採用 5 年後に上位職(准教授)選考を実施します.(ライフイベントにより研究を中断した場合は、上位職選考及び再選考の時期を延期できます.)
公募の詳細については,http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~mechsys/koubo/koubo22a.html をご覧下さい.

1.     応募申請書(履歴書,研究業績リストなど,写真添付,公募URL(下記)からダウンロードしたフォームを用いること)
2.     主要論文別刷(3編以内.必ず1編は添付すること)
3.     これまでの研究成果の概要(和文及び英文,図を含めA4用紙各2頁以内)
4.     本学における研究計画の概要(和文及び英文,図を含めA4用紙各2頁以内)
5.     教育に関する抱負(和文,A4用紙1頁以内)
6.     可能であれば推薦書(A4, 書式自由,任意,署名又は押印のあるもの)
<問合せ・書類提出先>〒184-8588 東京都小金井市中町2-24-16 東京農工大学 工学府 機械システム工学専攻長 亀田正治 E-mail: fx9730 @ go.tuat.ac.jp 電話 (042)388-7075
1) 必ず URL http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~mechsys/koubo/koubo22a.html を参照すること.
2) 採用後 5年目に上位職選考を行い,採用部局での基準を満たせば准教授にキャリアアップすることができる.なお不適格となった場合は 6 年目又は 7 年目に再選考を受けなければならない(ライフイベントによる休職等の場合,上位職選考及び再選考の時期を延期可能).
3) この取り組みは「雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保等に関する法律」 (昭和 47年法律第 113 号)第 8 条の規定に基づき実施しています。
4) 東京農工大学は、男女共同参画を積極的に推進しています。
5) 東京農工大学女性未来育成機構 HP(http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~dan-jo/josei/

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Invitation of applications for a Tenure Senior Assistant Professor

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) invites applications for one tenure position at the rank of Senior Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering. TUAT is interested in candidates who are committed to the highest standard of scholarship and professional activities. This invitation is part of our “Career Design Program for Female Faculty Members,” based on our policy of systematically increasing the number of female faculty members, which is one of our diversity and inclusion efforts conducted under the leadership of the university president. We are currently considering only female applicants for this position.

<Employment status>Full-time (no defined term of employment)
<Area of Research> Mechanical engineering and related fields
<Contribution to Education>Teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses in the appointee’s areas of expertise.
<Qualifications>A female researcher with a doctoral degree received within the past 10 years at the time of application deadline. Research experiences for three years at least is expected as a postdoctoral fellow, research associate or researcher in academia or industry.
< Period for Application>July 29th, 2022 (must be received)
< Starting date>October 1st, 2022 (negotiable)
< Application Form>
(1) Designated application form (Curriculum Vitae, List of Publications, etc.)
(2) PDF files of up to 3 representative publications
(3) Summary of previous research contributions (up to two A4-sized pages including figures)
(4) Future research plan (up to two A4-sized pages including figures)
(5) Education plan (up to one A4-sized page)
(6) Recommendation letter (if possible)
<How to Apply>Combine the above form and documents (1) to (6) into a single PDF file and submit it by e-mail to the following contact address. The maximum file size is 20 MB.
<Selection Steps> After reviewing the application materials, selected candidates will be invited for an interview and to make a short presentation, which will be held in August or later.
< Where to contact> The application materials should be sent to the following address:
Prof. Masaharu Kameda
Head of Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei-shi, 184-8588, Tokyo, Japan
E-mail: fx9730 @ go.tuat.ac.jp
< Additional information>
1)    Please visit a Web page (http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~mechsys/koubo/koubo22aen.html) for detailed information.
2)    A review will be conducted on the fifth year after being hired, and the appointee may be promoted to tenure associate professor if her work satisfies the standards of her department. If she is not promoted, she will need to be reviewed again on her sixth or seventh year (she may postpone her initial promotion review or re-review if she has taken leave due to a life event).
3)    The Women’s Future Development Organization provides access to a range of campus support programs (http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~dan-jo/josei/support.html (in Japanese)) while on leave, etc. due to a life event.

image メーリングリストの案内