[image 05107] [CfP] SoICT2023 @ Ho-Chi-Minh City in Dec
Ichiro IDE
ide @ i.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2023年 7月 14日 (金) 16:31:43 JST
Image MLの皆様,
SoICT2023: The 12th International Symposium on Information and
Communication Technology
Dec 7-8, 2023 @ Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam
WWW: https://soict.org/
[Call for Paper]
SOICT 2023 is an international symposium covering significant research
areas that include AI Foundations and Big Data, Network Communication
and Security, Image and Natural Language Processing, Software
Engineering and Digital Technology, Blockchain, and Operations
Research trends. Following the past successful symposium SOICT 2022,
which received submissions from 14 countries, the 12th International
Symposium on Information and Communication Technology will be held in
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on 7-8 December 2023. The symposium aims to
provide an academic forum for researchers and graduate students to
share their latest research findings and identify future computer
science challenges. The symposium will include tutorials and keynotes
given by world-class speakers. SOICT 2023 proceedings will be
published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM
as an ICPS volume in the ACM Digital Library (ISBN:
979-8-4007-0891-6), which will be archived in the ACM Digital
Library. SOICT 2023 will be indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and
Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (ISI Web of Science). This year,
the SOICT 2023 is organized by School of Information and Communication
Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hochiminh
University of Science, Vietnam National University, Laboratory
Informatics, Modelling and Optimisation System (LIMOS), The French
National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). SOICT 2023 is
organized in conjunction with The First French-Vietnamese Workshop on
Operations Research and The Third Vietnam Operations Research Network
Meeting (VORN 2023).
[Conference Scope]
Relevant topics of the symposium include, but are not limited to:
* Networking and Communication technologies:
- Network Architecture and Protocols, Future Internet, Software
Defined Networking, Information Centric Networking, Overlay and
Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Mobile and Wireless Networks, Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Internet
of Things, Green Networking
- Wireless and Network Security, Information Security, Anonymity and
Privacy, Intrusion detection and Prevention,...
* AI Foundation and Big Data:
- Artificial intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Machine
Learning, Uncertainty.
- Natural Language processing, Search methodologies, Information
- Big Data Analytics: algorithms, techniques, and systems;
scalability, optimization, security, trust, privacy issues;
applications for threat detection, cognitive computing, cyber
defense, e-health, business intelligence,...
* Multimedia Processing
- Image and Video Processing
- Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing, Language Model
- Computational Photography, Visual Media Processing, Information
* Software Engineering
- Software Architectures
- Formal Analysis and Design, Software Development Techniques and
Tools, Software Verification, Programming Languages
- Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing,...
* Operations research for Sustainable Urban Development
- Optimization in Energy
- Optimization in Urban traffic, Transportation and Logistics
- Network optimization in Telecommunications, Water distribution,...
* Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Smart Health and
- Data acquisition/data mining systems for smart health applications
- Data science for modeling and decision-making in healthcare
Medical imaging and pattern recognition
- Big data analysis and tools for biological and medical data health
Data security and privacy for smart healthcare systems
* Human Computer Interaction and Intelligent Interactive Systems
- User-centered design and evaluation methodologies
- Multimodal interaction and interfaces
- Adaptive and personalized interfaces,...
* Recent Advances in Cyber Security
- System, Network, and Cloud Computing Security
- IoT Security
- Mobile Security
* Lifelog and Multimedia Event Retrieval
- Lifelogging technologies and devices
- Lifelog data acquisition, representation, and storage
- Event detection and recognition in lifelog data,...
[Important Dates]
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 August 2023
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: 05 September 2023
- Author Notification: 15 October 2023
- Camera-Ready Submission: 23 October 2023
- Conference Dates: 7-8 December 2023
■ 井手 一郎 ide @ i.nagoya-u.ac.jp ■
■ 名古屋大学 大学院情報学研究科 知能システム学専攻 ■
■ /数理・データ科学教育研究センター 基盤教育部門 ■
■ 電話/ファクシミリ:(052)789-3313[直通] ■
■ 住所:〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町1 IB電子情報館南棟457号室 ■
■ WWW: http://www.cs.is.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/users/ide/index-j.html ■
image メーリングリストの案内