[image 05217] 11/14火曜:AI Forum 2023階催(東京大学・マイクロソフトリサーチ共催)
Mawo Kamakura
Mawo.Kamakura @ microsoft.com
2023年 11月 11日 (土) 09:08:49 JST
こんにちは。Microsoft Researchの鎌倉と申します。
11/14火曜午後、東京大学とMicrosoft Researchとで「AI Forum2023」を共催いたします。
LLM、Foundation model、GPT、ヘルスケア、自然科学、ニューロサイエンス、責任あるAIなど、AIに関するさまざまな内容について議論します。
Microsoft Researchの研究者も多数来日して、一度にこれだけ聞いていただける機会で、どなたでも参加可能、無料、同時通訳つき、はかなり珍しいと思います。
【AIフォーラム 開催のご案内】
・日時:2023年11月14日火曜 午後1:00〜
・会場:東京大学 安田講堂 (本郷キャンパス)
【AI Forum 2023: Join us!】
The AI Forum 2023 is a co-hosted event by Microsoft Research Asia and The University of Tokyo. The forum aims to showcase groundbreaking advancements in AI research and explore the synergy between AI, society, and science. AI has the potential to address complex societal challenges, ranging from climate change to healthcare disparities. On the scientific front, AI serves as a potent tool that propels scientific discovery and innovation, enhancing the efficiency of research and unveiling new realms of exploration that were once beyond our grasp. This year holds special significance for Microsoft Research Asia as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. The MOU concluded between Microsoft Corporation and The University of Tokyo in August 2023, promotes AI research as one of its three collaboration points. We hope to chart a course where AI acts as a catalyst for societal transformation and scientific progress. Join us in this enlightening gathering as we explore the captivating world of AI!
・Date: November 14 Tuesday 1:00pm~
・Venue: Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
・How to join: Please register (Participation is free & in-person only)!
Please visit the event website to learn more and register now!
Mawo Kamakura | 鎌 倉 真 音
Mawo.Kamakura @ microsoft.com
Office: +81-3-4535-4539 / Mobile: +81-80-1342-4971
Senior Research Program Manager
Microsoft Research Asia, Outreach (for Japan)
Microsoft Research
image メーリングリストの案内