[image 00454] RO-MAN 2014 - call for special sessions - deadline extended to January 24th
Takayuki Kanda
kanda @ atr.jp
2014年 1月 20日 (月) 16:51:47 JST
Image MLの皆様,
Ro-Man2014のspecial session企画の投稿締切が1/24まで延長されたとのことです.
以下にcall for special sessionsを添付します.ご検討頂ければ幸いです.
RO-MAN 2014 - call for special sessions - deadline extended to January
We are inviting proposals for special sessions relevant to the themes of
IEEE RO-MAN 2014 (http://rehabilitationrobotics.net/ro-man14/).
A special session consists of a collection of papers with a common theme.
Please submit a pdf to the special session chairs Ben Robins and Ginevra
Castellano (b.robins @ herts.ac.uk and g.castellano @ bham.ac.uk) as soon as
possible but not later than the 24th of January 2014, including the
- Proposed title of the special session
- Motivation and goals of the session (a brief 2-3 paragraph summary)
- A list of possible papers with contributing authors and tentative titles
and abstracts
- List of organisers (including short bio)
Selected special sessions will be advertised, meaning that everyone is
welcome to submit to it, in addition to the authors identified in the
Special sessions' papers will be submitted via the main conference's
submission system following the same guidelines as the regular papers, will
be peer-reviewed and will appear in the conference proceedings.
If accepted, the organisers of the special session will be responsible for
the high-quality peer-review of the submitted papers according to IEEE
standards (3 anonymous peer-reviews).
Dr. Ginevra Castellano
School of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering University of
Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)121 414 7118
Email: g.castellano @ bham.ac.uk
image メーリングリストの案内