[image 01393] 国際会議ICAM2015【論文締切9/10】

Atsushi Yamashita yamashita @ robot.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2015年 8月 24日 (月) 10:49:02 JST








今回は第6回であり,Next Generation in Advanced Mechatronicsをメインテー

ます.Robomech Journalへの優秀論文推薦も予定しています.皆様,奮ってご投

ICAM2015実行委員長:岩田 浩康(早稲田大学)
ICAM2015プログラム委員長:山下 淳(東京大学)


The 2015 JSME/RMD International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics
(ICAM2015) will take place at Nishiwaseda Campus of Waseda University,
Tokyo, Japan from December 5th to 8th, 2015.

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline 10 September 2015 
Acceptance notification 15 October 2015 
Final paper submission 5 November 2015 

ICAM is the only international conference exclusively sponsored and
organized by the Robotics & Mechatronics Division of the Japan Society
of Mechanical Engineers. This conference is one of the most traditional
and historical ones on robotics and mechatronics, since it was first
held in Tokyo in 1988. This is the sixth conference, and the theme is
set "Next Generation in Advanced Mechatronics", reflecting the mounting
expectations to next generation mechatronics technology especially
applicable to disaster recovery and reconstruction, neuro-rehabilitation,
sports training and new flight business in the recent society.

Summary papers with 1-2 page only submitted to ICAM2015 will be reviewed
and accepted ones to be presented at the conference. Followed by the
conference, selected papers will be invited for publication in the JSME
official journal, “ROBOMECH Journal” after a peer review. 

All the sessions at ICAM2015 will be offered with interactive poster
presentation, which allows presenters and participants to obtain a great
opportunity for fruitful and in-depth discussions leading to the
improvement of each research prior to journal publication.

The topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:
- Actuator design and control
- Sensor design, sensor fusion, sensor networks
- Robot vision and audition
- Mechanisms and design, robot kinematics and dynamics
- Mobile robots and path planning
- Robot hand and Manipulator
- Humanoid robots
- Service robots and home robots
- Agriculture, construction and industrial applications
- Rescue, hazardous environments
- Nano/micro systems and applications
- Biomedical, rehabilitation and welfare application
 - Automation and manufacturing system
- Universal design and middleware
- Human-robot interaction and interface
- Networked robotics, telerobotics and ubiquitous robots
- Navigation, localization and SLAM
- Computer intelligence and learning
- Sustainability, energy conservation, ecology

General Chair: Hiroyasu Iwata (Waseda University)
Program Chair: Atsushi Yamashita (The University of Tokyo)

山下 淳 (Atsushi Yamashita, Ph.D.)
東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 精密工学専攻 准教授
〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1
Tel: 03-5841-6457  Fax: 03-5841-8548
E-mail: yamashita @ robot.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
URL: http://www.robot.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yamashita/

image メーリングリストの案内