[image 01259] 投稿募集 SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications
Goshiro Yamamoto
goshiro @ is.naist.jp
2015年 6月 3日 (水) 20:58:07 JST
image, HCI, GCAD 各ML の皆様,
2015年11月2-5日に神戸にて開催される SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 のプログラムの一つである
Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications について
チェアの Christian Sandor 氏に代わってご案内いたします.
Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications は
Presentations, Industry Cases, Demonstrations, Panels の四つのカテゴリ
からなるシンポジウムです.詳しくは,以下に CFP を記載しますのでご覧ください.
The increased power, portability, and ubiquitous connectivity of mobile devices
are causing a fundamental shift in how we interact with digital content. The
graphics and interactivity that once was only possible with desktop computers
is now in the palm of the hand, and can be experienced anywhere.
The Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications (MGIA) at
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 in Kobe, Japan is a venue for both industry and academia to
explore the opportunities and challenges of mobile applications relevant to the
global graphics community. The program aims to cover the development,
technology, and marketing of mobile graphics and interactive applications. It
will especially highlight novel uses of graphics and interactivity on mobile
Attendees can expect to be exposed to the latest in mobile graphics and
interactive applications through paper presentations, panel discussions,
industry case studies, and hands-on demonstrations.
A highlight will be the keynote talk given by Dr. Kari Pulli, the Vice
President of Computational Imaging, from Light Inc. Kari is renowned for his
research at NVIDIA and at Nokia on Computational Photography, Computer Vision,
and Augmented Reality. He headed the development of Nokia's mobile graphics
technology, and contributed to many Khronos and JCP mobile graphics and media
standards. Kari holds CS degrees from Univ. Minnesota (B.Sc.), Univ. Oulu
(M.Sc., Lic.Tech.), Univ. Washington (PhD); and an MBA from Univ. Oulu. He has
taught and worked as a researcher at Stanford, Univ. Oulu, and MIT.
At this year's MGIA, we call for participation in the following four
- Presentations: A focused talk on a specific topic related to interesting mobile applications
- Industry Cases: A talk focused on an industry scenarios, from technical to and marketing cases
- Demonstrations: Live demonstrations of new mobile technology and applications
- Panels: A multi-speaker presentation and discussion on a particular area
=== Topics ===
We are seeking submissions on the following topics:
- Mobile gaming
- Mobile social networking
- Mobile user interfaces and interactivity techniques
- Marketing of applications and leveraging app stores
- Building a mobile applications business
- Mobile cameras and image processing
- Mobile location based services
- Use of GPU hardware in mobile computing
- Augmented reality on mobile platforms
- Cross platform application development tools and standards
- Innovative use of mobile sensors
- Visualization on mobile devices
- Industry case study of bringing a product to market
We also accept submissions from other areas relevant to Mobile Graphics and
Interactive Applications.
=== Format ===
Contributors will be able to present their work in one of the following
- Presentations: A 20-minute talk by a single speaker
- Industry Case Study: A 20-minute talk by up to two speakers
- Demonstrations: A hands-on technology demonstration
- Panels: A 60 minute multi-speaker presentations and discussion
For Presentation and Industry Case Study, authors should submit a 2 to 4 page
abstract, while for Demonstrations, and Panels only a 1 page abstract is
needed. All submitters of Presentations and Industry Cases are also encouraged
to submit Demonstrations of their works.
The official language of SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 is English and consequently all
presentations and content are expected to be in English.
For information about how to submit and the content of the symposium, please
see http://bit.ly/1GKJ3Mg
=== Important Dates ===
12 June 2015 - Submission deadline
9 August 2015 - Acceptance notification
9 September 2015 - Final publication-ready materials due
2 - 5 November 2015 - SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Conference
We look forward to seeing you in Kobe in November!
Christian and Mark
=== Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications Director ===
Mark Billinghurst
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
=== Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications Chair ===
Christian Sandor
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
=== Program Committee ===
Henry Duh - University of Tasmania
Martin Fuchs - University of Stuttgart
Jens Grubert - Graz University of Technology
Boerje Karlsson - Microsoft Research Asia
Gerry Kim - Korea National University
Hao Li - University of Southern California
Leif Oppermann - Fraunhofer Institute
Kari Pulli - Light Inc.
Kazuki Takashima - Tohoku University
Hideaki Uchiyama - Kyushu University
Goshiro Yamamoto - Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Goshiro Yamamoto
Graduate School of Information Science
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Email: goshiro @ is.naist.jp Tel: +81-743-72-5332
image メーリングリストの案内