[image 01268] CFP ISMAR 2015 Workshop on UrbanAR

Takafumi Taketomi takafumi-t @ is.naist.jp
2015年 6月 11日 (木) 08:51:44 JST

Image-ML, GCAD-MLの皆様

9月29日から10月3日に開催されるISMAR 2015において、下記のワークショップを開催



ISMAR 2015 Workshop on The Challenges and Applications of Urban Augmented
Reality, Fukuoka, Japan, October 3rd, 2015

Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2015
Notification: August 1st, 2015
Camera Ready: August 10th, 2015

Cities have started collecting tons of information about themselves using
vast sensors arrays and stored in Geographical Information Systems. All this
mass of information can already be enriched by citizens through
user-generated content. Beyond collecting, abstracting and storing this
information raises the problem of its representation. A reasonable
assumption is that onsite presentation of the adequate information would
provide a good solution. An analogy can be made with the GPS-based
navigation systems that merely render a directed arrow depending on location
and itinerary. Such a system can be seen as the basis of an augmented
reality system. Many projects involving augmented reality in urban
environments have emerged in the last 15 years. Yet there remains challenges
both on the applications and technological points of views:

- Outdoor localization and mapping
- Data presentation
- Interaction and authoring
- Application domains
- Acceptability
- Hardware issues

The goal of this ISMAR 2015 workshop is to review the challenges of urban
augmented reality and the available methods that aim at solving some of
those challenges and to give the audience of the variety of the existing and
yet to invent applications. Beyond the classical presentations and
discussions of a workshop, a particular goal of this workshop is the
production of a collective document (if possible in a publishable form)
about remaining challenges of augmented reality. The second output will be a
website including challenges, solutions to this challenges and applications

More information can be available on the website:

Guillaume Moreau, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Takafumi Taketomi, Nara Science and Technology

奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学研究科
助教 武富 貴史(Taketomi Takafumi)
E-Mail: takafumi-t @ is.naist.jp
Tel: 0743-72-5333
Fax: 0743-72-5339
Web: http://www.take103.org

image メーリングリストの案内