[image 01211] 締切延長6月8日(月):画像電子学会 英文誌(T-IIEEJ)12月号 Special Issue on Computer Vision and Applications 論文募集
IIEEJ hensyu
hensyu @ iieej.org
2015年 5月 12日 (火) 16:55:18 JST
画像電子学会編集委員会 では 以下の論文特集を企画しております。
○ Special Issue on Computer Vision and Applications 論文募集:
英文誌T-IIEEJ Vol.3, No.2, 2015年12月号 論文募集
(2015年4月30日締切 → 6月8日(月))
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Computer Vision and Applications
Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (Vol.3, No.2, 2015)
The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan
Editorial Committee of IIEEJ
Seeing the world through our eyes and acting accordingly is one of the
most fundamental abilities human beings possess in daily life. Due to
the recent development of computer vision technologies,
computers/machines can co-operate in or automate visual tasks that
humans perform. By acquiring such fundamental skills, computers/machines
are pushing the behavior of “seeing and acting” towards and beyond human
capabilities. The main challenge is to design and build robust computer
vision systems that can address the needs of real world situations.
In the planned special issue on Computer Vision and Applications, we
accept high quality original papers covering from basic algorithms to
real world applications in computer vision that can contribute in
improving the quality of life.
Potential authors are kindly requested to submit your papers according
to the electronic submission guidelines on our site.
Topics covered include but are not limited to:
□ Visual feature extraction
□ Object recognition
□ Object/feature tracking
□ Image and video processing, analysis and understanding
□ Face, facial expressions and gesture recognition
□ Human-machine interaction
□ Machine learning and pattern recognition for computer vision
□ Computer vision algorithms and applications in intelligent transport
□ Computer vision algorithms and applications in security systems
□ Computer vision and computer graphics systems
□ Multimedia systems, and other systems
Paper Submission Due Date: April 30, 2015 → June 8, 2015
担当:福島 hensyu @ iieej.org
一般社団法人 画像電子学会 福島理恵子 Rieko Fukushima
東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
TEL 03-5615-2893 FAX 03-5615-2894
E-mail : hensyu @ iieej.org
Facebook Page(Japanese): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ Facebook
Page(English): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ.E
image メーリングリストの案内