[image 01252] CfP: SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs and Posters

Takaaki Shiratori siratori @ cs.cmu.edu
2015年 5月 30日 (土) 00:01:28 JST


いつもお世話になっております。Oculus Researchの白鳥と申します。

今年11月に神戸で開催されるSIGGRAPH Asiaのプログラムの一部である
Technical BriefsとPostersの投稿募集をお送り致します。



SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs:

The SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs program is becoming a premier
international forum for presenting new research results in graphics
and especially at the intersections of graphics with audio, image,
video, 3D printing and HCI. Leading international experts in academia
and industry from all over the world present the best results in
peer-reviewed research spanning a wide range of research areas

- 3D imaging
- 3D laser scanning and reconstruction
- 3D printing
- 3D video
- 3D audio
- High dynamic range imaging
- High-definition imaging
- Image processing for graphics
- Scene understanding
- Sensor-based human-computer interaction
- Graphics and human-computer interface
- Graphics and multimedia
- Augmented reality
- Virtual reality
- Mixed reality

We also welcome submissions from industry on innovations for graphics
production systems such as 2D/3D movie production, video game engines
and web content with graphics.

The deadline for submission to the Technical Briefs program is 9 June
2015, 23:59 UTC/GMT.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Posters:

Whether you are coming up with what-if ideas, developing new
techniques, or using existing ones in novel ways, your submission is
welcome. We encourage submissions from animators, developers,
educators, students, and researchers from academia and industry. We
also welcome submissions that provide technical details on work
submitted to the Computer Animation Festival. Typical examples

- Technical and research work in progress
- Art and design, including smart gadgets
- Game design and implementation
- Animation, visual effects, and behind-the-scenes explanations of
commercial and artistic work
- Education on graphics, as well as using graphics tools for teaching
other disciplines
- Applications to other problems, e.g., web and mobile graphics,
digital signage, or design

The submission deadline is 9 June 2015, 23:59 UTC/GMT.

image メーリングリストの案内