[image 02204] CfP: The First International Workshop on Human Activity Analysis with Highly Diverse Cameras (HDC 2017)

Yuko Ozasa yuko.ozasa @ keio.jp
2016年 12月 15日 (木) 19:24:02 JST



2017年3月30日に,IEEE WACV2017の併設ワークショップとして,人物行動
解析に関する国際ワークショップ「Human Activity Analysis with Highly Diverse
Cameras (HDC 2017)」をアメリカのサンタローザにて開催いたします.


Call for papers
The First International Workshop on Human Activity Analysis with
Highly Diverse Cameras (HDC 2017) http://printeps.org/HDC2017/

In conjunction with the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of
Computer Vision (WACV 2017) http://pamitc.org/wacv2017/

Santa Rosa, CA, USA, March 30, 2017

About HDC2017:
In recent computer vision research, diverse types of cameras have
enabled various forms of human activity analysis. Surveillance
cameras are used to sense crowd behaviors on the street. Smartphones
or wearable cameras have attracted much attention as the means to
recognize fine-grained human actions. While these diverse cameras
and activity analyses are all essential for such common applications
as crime prevention, navigation for the blind, intelligent UIs, and
human robot collaboration, they have been studied mostly independently.

In this workshop, we aim at bringing together people with experience
on any type of vision-based human activity analysis and its applications.
The workshop will offer a valuable opportunity for sharing diverse
projects and cutting-edge achievements on human activity analysis.
We expect the workshop to promote future collaborations of participants
in different research backgrounds.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Human Motion Analysis/Capture
-Action Recognition
-Gesture Recognition
-Human-Computer Interaction
-Vision for Robotics
-First-Person Vision

Important dates (tentative)
Submission deadline: January 13, 2017
Author notification: January 25, 2017
Camera ready deadline: TBA
Workshop date: March 30, 2017

Paper submissions
Please follow the author guidelines of the main conference
Length of paper should be 4-8 pages excluding references. More details
will be posted soon.
Submission site:https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/User/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FHDC2017

Keynote speakers
-Michael S. Ryoo (Indiana University Bloomingtony)
-Yong Jae Lee (University of California, Davis)

Workshop Organizers
General Chairs:
-Hideo Saito (Keio University)
-Yoichi Sato (The University of Tokyo)
Honorable General Chair:
-Bir Bhanu (University of California at Riverside)
Program Chairs:
-Ryo Yonetani (The University of Tokyo)
-Yuko Ozasa (Keio University)
-Kris Kitani (Carnegie Mellon University)
Publication Chair:
-Naoko Enami (Kobe University)

Please feel free to share this CfP with your colleagues.
Contact: hdc2017 @ ut-vision.org

image メーリングリストの案内