[image 02226] Call for Papers -IFIP ICEC 2017 September 19-21, 2017 Tsukuba, Japan

Junichi Hoshino jhoshino @ esys.tsukuba.ac.jp
2016年 12月 29日 (木) 04:29:12 JST



IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2017 (IFIP ICEC 2017) will be held at Tsukuba, Japan. 

Homepage  http://icec2017.net

Full and Short technical, contents, survey papers: April 10th, 2017
Poster papers: April 10th, 2017
Notification to authors: June 10th, 2017
Camera ready due: June 20th, 2017
Doctoral consortium applications: August 1st, 2017
Conference: September 19-21th, 2017

Tokyo Game Show 2017 September 23-24th, 2017

This is very entertaining big events.  
Tokyo Excursion Page is at ICEC2017 homepage with many links.

Along with high quality technical long paper (~12pages), 
we are going to accept short (~6 pages) and poster (~4pages) paper 
on variety of topics including contents, application, survey papers,  and Lab summary. 
Student papers and work-in-progress are also welcome.

Main theme of ICEC2017 is
Entertainment Computing for Creative Society

We are planning invited talks on “R&D of High Quality Games”
and invited sessions such as
Game Analytics
Android and Entertainment
Brain Interface for Entertainment
Toys and IoT (internet of things)
Big Data and Machine Learning in Entertainment
Entertainment and Business

We wish you a happy new year, and hope to see you at ICEC2017 in Tsukuba.

ICEC2017 General Chair
Junichi Hoshino

ENTERTAINMENT  星野准一(Junichi Hoshino)
COMPUTING      筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科
LABORATORY     http://www.entcomp.iit.tsukuba.ac.jp/

image メーリングリストの案内