[image 01911] MCBMIIA2016 Call for paper

Atsushi Imiya imiya @ faculty.chiba-u.jp
2016年 7月 7日 (木) 17:52:08 JST

Call for papers
Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Image 
Analysis (MCBMIIA2016)
in conjunction with ACCV2016 20-24 November 2016

Deadline for paper submission:   31 July      2016
Author notification:                  22 August  2016
Camera ready:                         2 Sept.     2016
Workshop                              24 Nov. 2016 Taipei
Proceeding:   Workshop Volume of ACCV from LNCS
Submission style: Follow the main conference ACCV

(1) Paper format: The workshop paper format should follow the
guideline for paper submission in ACCV2016 (see
http://www.accv2016.org/paper-submission/), where the page limit is 14
(excluding references) in the LNCS format.

  (2) Publication: the workshop papers will be published by Springer in
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

  (3) Registration:workshop registration will be handled as part of the
main conference registration. Each workshop paper requires at least
one author's registration. More details will be announced on the
ACCV16 homepage. However, unlike the main conference paper, the
workshop paper does not need to pay the additional publication fee.

  (4) There will be workshop(tutorial)-only registrations -- three kinds
of registrations are (i) main conf. (including all workshops), (ii)
workshop(tutorial)-only on Nov. 20, (iii) workshop(tutorial)-only on
Nov. 24.

Atsushi IMIYA

image メーリングリストの案内