[image 01891] MCBMIIA 案内
Atsushi Imiya
imiya @ faculty.chiba-u.jp
2016年 6月 30日 (木) 15:54:04 JST
Dear Colleagues
We are sending Call for Papers for 2nd MCBMIIA in conjunction with
ACCV2016 in this November at Taipei.
Call for papers
Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Image
Analysis (MCBMIIA2016)
in conjunction with ACCV2016 20-24 November 2016
Deadline for paper submission: 31 July 2016
Author notification: 22 August 2016
Camera ready: 2 Sept. 2016
Proceeding: Workshop Volume of ACCV from LNCS
Submission style: Follow the main conference ACCV.
The MCBMIIA2016 forces on mathematical and computational aspects of
biomedical imaging and image analysis and on these relations to computer
We call for papers for applications of the methods to anatomy, autopsy,
biopsy, physiology and nano-biology. The expected areas for
contributions are following.But all aspects of mathematical treatment
medical imaging and image analysis
are well come. The expected areas are
Combinatorial and probabilistic methods
for biomedical imaging and image analysis
Optimisation and inverse methods
for biomedical imaging and image analysis
Discrete and digital geometry and topology
for biomedical image analysis
Theoretical aspects of multimodal biomedical image analysis
Machine learning in multimodal and volumetric biomedical images
Methodologies for validation of results without ground truth
for medical computer vision
Analysis of images captured by high- and low-speed shutter camera
Applications to computational precision medicine and nano-biology
In biomedical imaging and image analysis, the researches aim to design
that assist medical doctors and biologists.
In contrast, in computer vision researches focus construct machines that
The forum aims to derive a bridge on this gap from the viewpoints
of mathematical and computational aspects in computer vision.
Hidekata Hontani (Japan)
Atsushi Imiya(Japan)
Xiaoyi Jiang (Germany)
image メーリングリストの案内