[image 01780] 【女性教員公募】九州大学システム情報科学研究院女性教員公募のご案内(教授または准教授)
Ryo Kurazume
kurazume @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
2016年 5月 9日 (月) 13:40:24 JST
九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院 教員公募(女性教員)
【九州大学 大学院システム情報科学研究院 女性教員公募】
1. 職名および募集人数:教授(1名)または准教授(1名)
2. 所属:国立大学法人 九州大学 大学院システム情報科学研究院
3. 勤務地:九州大学伊都キャンパス(福岡市西区元岡744)
4. 募集分野:情報科学,情報工学,又は電気電子工学分野
5. 職務:システム情報科学研究院(大学院研究組織)・システム情報科学府
6. 任期:なし
7. 応募資格:次の条件を満たすものとします。
* 博士の学位を有するか,着任時に博士の学位を取得する見込みである女性の方。
* 当該分野において卓越した研究業績を有する方。
* 教育ならびに研究に熱意を有すると共に国際交流・産学連携活動に積極的な方。
* 英語による講義、教育、研究指導、ならびに、大学院生に対する国際的教育が
8. 着任時期:決定後できるだけ早い時期
9. 給与等:経験等に基づき本学の関係規程により決定します。
10. 提出書類:
(1) 履歴書(写真貼付、学歴は高校卒業から記載すること
希望職(教授または准教授)、連絡先、E-mail も明記してください)
(2) 業績目録
* 研究業績(著書・編書、学術論文、国際会議論文、学会発表、総説、特
* 査読の有無、招待講演、主要論文に対する被引用数やh-Index、Google
scholarの個人登録ページ(My Citations)などの付加情報があれば記載すること。
* 教育実績
* 大学等においては外部資金の獲得状況、企業等においてはプロジェクト
* 学会及び社会における活動等(所属学会名、学会活動、受賞、社会活動等)
(3) 主要学術論文(5編程度)の別刷またはコピー
(4) これ迄の教育研究活動の概略(A4用紙1~2枚程度)
(5) 着任後の研究への抱負・計画(A4用紙1~2枚程度)
(6) 着任後の教育への抱負(A4用紙1枚程度)
(7) 応募者について意見を伺うことができる方2名の氏名、所属及び連絡先
(8) (1)-(7)のPDFファイルを保存した電子媒体(CD-ROMかUSBメモリ)
11. 応募〆切:平成28年8月31日(水曜日)(必着)
12. 書類提出方法:
13. 面接:面接をさせて頂く場合があります。面接のための旅費は支給できません。
14. その他:
(男女共同参画推進室: http://danjyo.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ )
( kojjinji @ jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp )
15. 照会先:〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744
九州大学 大学院システム情報科学研究院
副研究院長 倉爪 亮
Tel.: 092-802-3611 Email: kurazume @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Position Vacancy Announcement
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
April 1, 2016
Professor Keijiro Araki
Dean of the Faculty of ISEE
The Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering (ISEE) of
Kyushu University in Japan is now actively recruiting academic women
researchers for the "Women Researchers Promotion Program", according to
its policy of "Supporting Positive Activities for Female Researchers". *1
The allowances are based on pay scales relevant to a Professor or
Associate Professor at Kyushu University.
*1 Under Article 8 of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law (Special
Provisions of Measures Pertaining to Women Workers) , in order to
actively improve the present situation that the percentage of women
researchers is considerably low, applicants are limited to women
researchers only.
The job information in Kyushu University is provided in the following
website: http://kobo.jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp/
1. Number of Positions: Professor or Associate Professor: 1
2. Department: Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
(ISEE), Kyushu University.
3. Place of work: Ito Campus (744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan)
4. Research Field: Information Science, Information Engineering, or
Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
5. Subjects taught: Related to the above research field and basic subjects.
6. Job Type: Full-time (tenured).
7. Qualifications:
1) Applications are invited from women researchers who have received a
doctoral degree or expect to complete one by the date of appointment.
2) Applicants should have distinguished records of achievement in
research and teaching in their field.
3) Applicants should have a strong commitment to both research and teaching.
4) Applicants enrolled in Kyushu University will be accepted in case of
8. Starting Date: As early as possible after the hiring decision.
9. Treatment: Salary, Insurance: Standard Kyushu University employment
regulations apply, according to the researchers’ career.
10. Application materials: Candidates are requested to submit the
following printed documents (1 – 7) together with an electronic media (8).
1) Resume/CV with recent passport-size photo. Academic carrier, job
carrier and position preference (professor or associate professor) must
be clearly stated. Rewards and qualified licenses may also be added, if any.
2) Publication list of your work. (Categories of the list include books,
journal papers, conference proceedings, review papers, patents, and
others. Indicate the citation numbers for the articles, h-index, and the
address of Google scholar My Citations page, if available. In addition,
a list of results of application to research funds is requested to be
3) Reprints of papers up to five. Copy can be accepted.
4) Summary of research achievement up to the present (up to two A4- size
5) Future research prospect and plan (up to two A4- size pages).
6) Aspirations for education (up to one A4-size page)
7) Names of two reference persons and their phone numbers and E-mail
8) An electronic media (CD-ROM or USB memory) in which PDF files of the
above 1) - 7) are copied.
11. Application Deadline: August 31 (Wednesday), 2016.
12. Submission:
Please send all copies and an electronic media (CD-ROM or USB memory) to
the address below.
Please clearly indicate on the surface of the package that the package
includes materials for "Application for Position in Women Researchers
Promotion Program". Sending the material as a registered matter is
highly recommended to avoid any trouble during delivery.
Application materials will not be returned.
13. Interview: Candidates may be requested to come for an interview
conducted by the selection committee of the Faculty of ISEE. Interview
transportation costs are to be borne by the candidates.
14. Contact information
Ryo Kurazume
Chairman of the Selection Committee
Phone: +81-92-802-3611
E-mail: kurazume @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
15. Address to submit the application
Ryo Kurazume
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
West No. 2, Rm. 954
744, Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
16. Notes
1) For more information about Promotion of Gender Equality and the
Support System for Women Researchers, see the following websites.
Office for Promotion of Gender Equality at Kyushu University:
http://danjyo.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ (in Japanese)
2) Contact address for general information about this program is
E-mail: kojjinji @ jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Ryo Kurazume, Vice Dean, Professor
Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Kyushu University
image メーリングリストの案内