[image 02788] CFP: ACM IUI2018 Workshop 【SymCollab 2018】

Yukiko Nakano y.nakano @ st.seikei.ac.jp
2017年 12月 6日 (水) 21:16:11 JST



インタラクションに関する2つのCREST領域が,ACM IUI 2018 にて,

Workshop on Symbiotic Interaction and Harmonious Collaboration for Wisdom Computing (SymCollab 2018)



Workshop on Symbiotic Interaction and Harmonious Collaboration for Wisdom Computing (SymCollab 2018)
in conjunction with the 23rd annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community and serves (ACM IUI 2018)

The cyberphysical is advancing rapidly based on the technologies of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and IoT. Our society is rapidly changing into a symbiotic society with networked and smart information environments, i.e., ambient intelligences. Augmented humans will harmoniously inhabit the society. To realize a symbiotic society with maximum benefit to humans, we must design novel interactions between humans and computers, and the future architecture of society.

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) funds two HCI two HCI related research programs: “Symbiotic Interaction” and “Harmonious Collaboration.” This workshop introduces these programs and on-going research projects accepted from 2014 to 2017. The workshop is open for the presentations of related topic that would stimulate the workshop discussion and future collaborations.  Submissions from researchers in the related fields are welcome.
This workshop covers the following topics, but not limited to:

Human Augmentation: advanced multi-modal communication, advanced collaborative work, community formation
Ambient Intelligence: interaction with intelligent agents, robots, etc., interaction design for intelligent systems; self-driving cars and smart homes, networked life-logging environments
Fundamental interaction theory and modeling: modeling of augmented-human interactions, system design principles based on relations between humans and ambient intelligences
Co-experience knowledge and wisdom with harmonious human-machine collaboration: services with human-robot interaction and collaboration, wearable sensors, and the development of an open platform using the state-of-the-art technologies

Kenji Mase, Nagoya University (JAPAN)
Norihiro Hagita, ATR intelligent Robotics Research Labs. (JAPAN)
Yukiko Nakano, Seikei University (JAPAN)

<Senior Advisors>
Minoru Asada (Osaka University, JAPAN)
Andreas Bulling (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany)
Daniel Gatica-Perez (Idiap research institute, Switzerland)
Hans Gellersen (Lancaster University, UK)

<Important dates>
Submission deadline: Dec.17th, 2017
Notifications to authors: Jan. 23rd, 2018
Camera-ready of accepted papers: Feb. 6th, 2018
Workshop: Mar. 11th, 2018

Please visit CFP page on the workshop web site.

Yukiko Nakano <y.nakano @ st.seikei.ac.jp>

image メーリングリストの案内