[image 02541] CFP of the 2nd International Workshop on coMics ANalysis, Processing and Understanding (MANPU 2017)

Motoi Iwata iwata @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp
2017年 7月 18日 (火) 23:13:59 JST



  The Second International Workshop on coMics ANalysis, Processing and Understanding (MANPU2017)


  Title and abstract submission due: July 26, 2017
  Paper submission due: August 2, 2017



=======  CFP – ICDAR WS 2nd International Workshop on coMics ANalysis, Processing and Understanding =======

                                    Call for papers

                         The Second International Workshop on
                    coMics ANalysis, Processing and Understanding
                           (in conjunction with ICDAR 2017)
                          November 10, 2017,  Kyoto, Japan


Comics is a medium constituted of images combined with text and other visual information in order
to narrate a story. Nowadays, comic books are a widespread cultural expression all over the world.
The market of comics continues to grow, for example, the market in Japan is about 4.25 billion USD
in 2015. Moreover, from the research point of view, comics images are attractive targets because
the structure of a comics page includes various elements (such as panels, speech balloons, captions,
leading characters, and so on), the drawing of which depends on the style of the author and presents
a large variability. Therefore comics image analysis is not a trivial problem and is still immature
compared with other kinds of image analysis.

Scope and Topics
The scope of this workshop includes, but is not limited to,
- Comics Image Processing
- Comics Analysis and Understanding
- Comics Recognition
- Comics Retrieval and Spotting
- Comics Enrichment
- Reading Behavior Analysis of Comics
- Comics Generation
- Copy protection - Fraud detection
- Physical/Digital Comics Interfaces
- Cognitive Processing and Comprehension of Comics
- Linguistics Analysis of Comics

Important dates
Title and abstract submission due:  July 26, 2017 (extended!)
Paper submission due:               August 2, 2017 (extended!)
Notification of acceptance:         August 17, 2017
Camera-ready paperdue:              September 1, 2017
Workshop day:                       November 10, 2017

To evaluate the proposed works, participants will be able to use the following datasets
that are publicly available. Researchers can request to download them at each website.
- eBDtheque consists of 100 images with ground truth for panels, speech balloons, tails, text lines, leading characters.
- Manga109 consists of over 20 thousand images of 109 volumes (21,142 images).

Paper Submissions
Submission and Review
All papers will have to be submitted through the EasyChair submission system on or before
the submission deadline. MANPU 2017 will follow a double blind review process. Authors should
not include their names and affiliations anywhere in the manuscript. Authors should also
ensure that their identity is not revealed indirectly by citing their previous work in the
third person, and omitting including acknowledgements until the camera-ready version.

Submission site
Paper submissions for MANPU2017 will be handled through the Easy Chair conference management system.
Please visit https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=manpu2017.

Paper format and length
Papers should be formatted with the style files/details available at Manuscript Templates
for Conference Proceedings. Paper size is US letter. Only PDF files are accepted. A complete
paper should be submitted in the proper format. The manuscript length is 6 pages maximum.
Manuscript Templates URL:

Papers should describe original work on an MANPU-related topic, and authors must adhere to
the IAPR Statement of Ethics(http://www.iapr.org/constitution/soe.php).
By submitting a manuscript to MANPU 2017, authors acknowledge that it has not been previously
published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue
including journals or conferences. Also authors confirm that no paper substantially similar
in content has been or will be submitted to another conference or workshop during the review period.
The acceptance of a paper to MANPU 2017 requires that at least one of the authors registers
for the workshop and presents the paper there.
MANPU 2017 does not allow submission of any additional supplementary file.

General Co-Chairs
Jean-Christophe Burie   (France)
Motoi Iwata             (Japan)
Toshihiko Yamasaki      (Japan)

Program Co-Chairs
Yusuke Matsui           (Japan)
Miki Ueno               (Japan)
Tien-Tsin Wong          (Hong Kong)

Advisory Board
Kiyoharu Aizawa         (Japan)
Koichi Kise             (Japan)
Jean-Marc Ogier         (France)

Program Committee
Ying Cao                 (Hong Kong)
Wei-Ta Chu               (Taiwan)
Mathieu Delalandre       (France)
Alexander Dunst          (Germany)
Seiji Hotta              (Japan)
Rynson W. H. Lau         (Hong Kong)
Xueting Liu 	    	 (Hong Kong)
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman (France)
Mitsunori Matsushita     (Japan)
Tetsuya Mihara           (Japan)
Naoki Mori               (Japan)
Mitsuharu Nagamori       (Japan)
Satoshi Nakamura         (Japan)
Nhu Van Nguyen           (France)
Srikanta Pal             (France)
Christophe Rigaud        (France)
Akihiko Shirai           (Japan)
Takaaki Shiratori        (USA)
Yasuyuki Sumi            (Japan)
John Walsh               (USA)
Yingqing Xu              (China)

Workshop Secretariat
manpu2017-inquiry @ m.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp

Motoi IWATA, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Intelligent Media Processing Group
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University
Sakai, Osaka, Japan
+81 72 254 9281
E-mail: iwata @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp

image メーリングリストの案内