[image 02491] [CFP] HDCD4MAR, ISMAR 2017 Workshop on 13th Oct. in Nantes, FRANCE

IKEDA Sei ikeda.sei.jp @ ieee.org
2017年 6月 21日 (水) 02:55:43 JST


立命館大学 池田聖と申します.


IEEE ISMAR2017のワークショップとして本会議最終日(10月13日)に,フランス・ナントで国際ワークショップHDCD4MAR
(Workshop on Highly Diverse Cameras and Displays for Mixed and
Augmented Reality) が開催されます.







Workshop on Highly Diverse Cameras and Displays for Mixed and
Augmented Reality (HDCD4MAR), ISMAR 2017 Workshop on 13th Oct. in
Nantes, FRANCE

Scene and human sensing have been key topics in AR/MR research
communities and there is no doubt that vision-based approaches have
opened up a path of recent AR/MR advances. Researchers have
established sophisticated methods such as scene geometry
reconstruction, object recognition, head and eye tracking, and
rendering to show the virtual objects on perspective displays. Thanks
to these attempts, AR/MR has been widely spread to a number of people
and reached to a certain point. To bring AR/MR to the next level, we
need to explore concrete measures to combine these fruits. One of the
possible and practical concepts to achieve the goal is to utilize
diverse types of cameras and displays that would exist in the AR/MR
environments or be brought to the environment by AR/MR participants.
From this point of view, in this workshop, we aim at bringing
opportunities to researchers to discuss experiences and findings on
vision-based approaches from cameras to displays for future

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- AR/MR/DR Using Highly Diverse Cameras/Displays
- Computational Photography/Cameras/Vision
- Heterogeneous Cameras
- First-Person Vision
- Visual SLAM
- Human Motion Analysis/Capture/Recognition
- Human Computer Interaction
- Security/Surveillance Using Highly Diverse Cameras/Displays
- Multi-User System
This workshop is a related workshop to HDC2017 held as a part of the
WACV 2017 workshops. While the topic of HDC2017 was mainly focused on
recognition and sensing of human activity using HDC (Highly Diverse
Cameras), HDCD4MAR calls for papers on various technologies achieved
by HDC and/or Displays for MAR contexts, which also include the topics
discussed in HDC2017.

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be
published on IEEE Xplore as ISMAR 2017 adjunct Proceedings.

Page length: 2 - 8 pages
Template: Submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ISMAR 2017
paper template

- Deadline Workshop Papers: July 3rd, 2017
- Notification Workshop Papers: August 7th, 2017
- Workshop Papers Camera Ready Deadline: August 28th, 2017

General Chairs:
- Hideo Saito (Keio University)
- Shohei Mori (Keio University)

Workshop Organizing Chair:
- Sei Ikeda (Ritsumeikan University)

- Technical Committee on Plenoptic Time-Space Technology (PoTS)

image メーリングリストの案内