[image 02741] CFP: Demo Papers of IEEE MIPR 2018 (〆切12/15, Miami, FL, USA/2018年4月10-12)
Jianquan Liu
j-liu @ ct.jp.nec.com
2017年 11月 12日 (日) 20:49:17 JST
Image-ML の皆様:
本MLをお借りして IEEE MIPR 2018 のデモ論文募集をご案内致します.
IEEE MIPR 2018 @ Miami, Florida, USA, April 10-12, 2018
IEEE MIPR 2018 は,IEEE が主催するマルチメディアデータを対象とした
Jianquan LIU, Ph.D. (j-liu @ ct.jp.nec.com)
Senior Researcher / Assistant Manager
Realtime Analytics Platform Technology Group,
System Platform Research Laboratories,
NEC Corporation
First IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR 2018)
** Call for Demo Paper **
Miami, Florida, USA
April 10-12, 2018
Important dates
- Submission : December 15th, 2017
- Notification: January 10th, 2018
- Camera ready: February 20th, 2018
The IEEE MIPR 2018 organizing committee invites proposals for technical
demonstrations to be presented in conjunction with the conference. Technical
Demonstrations will show leading edge work in any area of multimedia
information retrieval. Demonstrations offer the opportunity to present and
receive feedback on live working systems in an informal setting. Submissions
are particularly encouraged in the following areas with emphasis on multimedia
information retrieval, but not limited to:
* Retrieval
- Multimedia Search and Recommendation
- Web-Scale Retrieval
- Relevance Feedback, Active/Transfer Learning
- 3D and sensor data retrieval
- Multimodal Media (images, videos, texts, graph/relationship) Retrieval
- High-Level Semantic Multimedia Features
* Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Data Mining
- Deep Learning in Multimedia Data and / or Multimodal Fusion
- Deep Cross-Learning for Novel Features and Feature Selection
- High-Performance Deep Learning (Theories and Infrastructures)
- Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
* Content Understanding and Analytics
- Multimodal/Multisensor Integration and Analysis
- Effective and Scalable Solution for Big Data Integration
- Affective and Perceptual Multimedia
- Multimedia/Multimodal Interaction Interfaces with humans
* Multimedia and Vision
- Multimedia Telepresence and Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality
- Visual Concept Detection
- Object Detection and Tracking
- 3D Modeling, Reconstruction, and Interactive Applications
* Networking for Multimedia Systems
- Internet Scale System Design
- Information Coding for Content Delivery
* Systems and Infrastructures
- Multimedia Systems and Middleware
- Telepresence and Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality
- Software Infrastructure for Data Analytics
- Distributed Multimedia Systems and Cloud Computing
* Data Management
- Multimedia Data Collections, Modeling, Indexing, or Storage
- Data Integrity, Security, Protection, Privacy
- Standards and Policies for Data Management
* Novel Applications
- Multimedia Forensics and Security
- Urban planning and emergency responses
- Environmental monitoring
- Education (using Multimedia for Education or Education about Multimedia)
* Internet of Multimedia Things
- Real-Time Data Processing
- Autonomous Systems such as Driverless Cars, Robots, and Drones
- Mobile and Wearable Multimedia
The written and spoken language of IEEE MIPR 2018 is English. For technical
demonstrations, authors should submit: a 2-page manuscript in double-column
IEEE format including the authors' names and affiliations a short abstract
electronically, following the submission guidelines available on the IEEE MIPR
2018 web page, and a presentation/video, which can be a Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation, a Flash presentation, an MPEG/WMV video clip, or a link on for
the corresponding presentation on Social Media (e.g., vimeo, YouTube) not more
than five minutes long.
Please create a single zip archive of all files, and upload it to the paper
submission system. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. All technical
demonstration papers should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF). The
Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press
and be available for online access via IEEEXplore.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality. Demonstrators will be
provided with space and access to a local network, however, demos should not
rely on Internet access. The participants will be required to provide their
own computing equipment and any additional network, display, or other specific
hardware needed for the demonstration.
Submission Site: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/MIPR2018 (please select
the ‘Demo’ paper track) Paper submission template and Instructions:
http://www.ieee-mipr.org/submit_instruction.html Important Dates:
image メーリングリストの案内