[image 03424] CFP ACML2019
Hidekata Hontani
hontani @ nitech.ac.jp
2019年 2月 15日 (金) 13:06:35 JST
image メーリングリストの皆様
名古屋工業大学の本谷と申します。同じ大学の竹内 一郎先生の代理でAsian Conference on Machine
# 重複でお受け取りの場合はご容赦ください
2019/11/17-19に名古屋のウインクあいちにてAsian Conference on Machine
Conference trackとJournal Trackがあり,前者はProceedings of Machine Learning
Research (PMLR),後者はSpringer Machine Learning Journal (MLJ)に採録されます.
CFP: Asian Conference on Machine Learning 2019 (ACML2019), Nov.17-19,
2019, Japan
The 11th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2019) will take
place on November 17 - 19, 2019 at WINC AICHI, Nagoya, Japan. The
conference aims to provide a leading international forum for
researchers in machine learning and related fields to share their new
ideas, progresses and achievements. Submissions from regions other
than the Asia-Pacific are also highly encouraged.
The conference calls for high-quality, original research papers in the
theory and practice of machine learning. The conference also solicits
proposals focusing on frontier research, new ideas and paradigms in
machine learning. We encourage submissions from all parts of the
world, not only confined to the Asia-Pacific region.
This year we are running two publication tracks: Authors may submit
either to the conference track, for which the proceedings will be
published as a volume of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Workshop and Conference Proceedings (PMLR), or to the journal track
for which accepted papers will appear in a special issue of the
Springer journal Machine Learning (MLJ).
ACML2019 Website: http://www.acml-conf.org/2019/
ACML2019 CFP: http://www.acml-conf.org/2019/calls/papers/
Important Dates
<Conference Track: the accepted papers will be published from PMLR>
Conference track 1st round
Apr.15, 2019: Submission Deadline
May.30, 2019: Notification (Accept, Reject, or Encourage Resubmission
to 2nd Round)
Sep.30, 2019: Camera-Ready Submission Deadline
Conference track 2nd round
Jul.15, 2019: Submission Deadline
Aug.19, 2019 - Aug.24, 2019: Author Rebuttal
Sep.03, 2019: Notification (Accept or Reject)
Sep.30, 2019: Camera-Ready Submission Deadline
<Journal Track: the accepted papers will be published from MLJ>
Journal Track
Apr.09, 2019: Paper Submission Deadline
May.30, 2019: Review Result Released (Accept, Minor Revision, or Reject)
Jul.15, 2019: Revision Submission Deadline
Sep.03, 2019: Notification (Accept or Reject)
Sep.30, 2019: Camera-Ready Submission Deadline
Hidekata Hontani
Nagoya Institute of Technology
image メーリングリストの案内