[image 03513] CFP Workshop ACPR2019 New Zealand

imiya @ faculty.chiba-u.jp imiya @ faculty.chiba-u.jp
2019年 5月 8日 (水) 12:14:25 JST


ACPR 併催として、26日に開催する
Medical Image Analysis
Medical Computer Vision 
に関するWorkshp の案内を投稿します。

私共のworkshop 以外にも合計8会議併催されます。

千葉大 井宮

CALL for Papers
Image and Pattern Analysis for Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy
26 th November, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand
in conjunction to 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition

Scope and motivation

Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy (MCA) achieves mathematical 
foundation to deal with humans both from the static anatomy of organs 
and dynamic anatomy of living human constructed using multidisciplinary 
information on the human from cells to body. For the achievement of MCA 
from the viewpoints of visual computing, we establish a mathematical and 
theoretical methodologies which allow us to achieve comprehensive 
understanding of the human body using computer vision, mathematical 
imaging, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. The workshop 
on mathematical image and pattern analysis for (ipaMCA) focuses on 
mathematical and computational aspects of biomedical imaging and image 
analysis and on these relations to computer vision and pattern 
recognition in MCA. 

We call for papers for applications of the methods to anatomy, autopsy, 
biopsy, physiology and nano-biology. The expected areas for 
contributions are following. But all aspects of mathematical treatment 
medical imaging and image analysis are welcome.
・Combinatorial and probabilistic methods for biomedical imaging and 
image analysis
・Optimisation and inverse methods for biomedical imaging and image 
・Discrete and digital geometry and topology for biomedical image and 
pattern analysis 
・Theoretical aspects of multimodal biomedical image and pattern 
・Machine learning and neural networks in multimodal and volumetric 
biomedical images and pattern analysis  
・Methodologies for validation of results without ground truth for 
medical computer vision and pattern recognition
・Analysis of images captured by high- and low-speed shutter camera 
・Applications of MCA to computational precision medicine and nano-
In biomedical imaging and image analysis for MCA, the researches aim to 
design systems that assist medical doctors. In contrast, in computer 
vision researches focus construct machines that see. The forum aims to 
derive a bridge on this gap from the viewpoints of mathematical and 
computational aspects in computer vision and pattern recognition for MCA.

Organizing committee 
Harvey Ho(New Zealand), Yukiko Kenmochi(France), Kensaku Mori(Japan)
Program co-chairs 
     Atsushi Imiya (Japan), Hidekata Hontani(Japan)
Important Date 
     To be announced 
Nagoya Institute of Technology 
Chiba University 
IMIT, Chiba University 
The project "Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy and Its Application 
to Highly Intelligent Diagnosis and Therapy" funded by Grant-in-Aid for 
Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT, Japan. 

image メーリングリストの案内