[image 03951] 画像電子学会論文募集 「自動化・省人化・増力化を支える画像処理関連技術」(和文誌、英文誌 2020年5月29日(金)必着)
IIEEJ hensyu
hensyu @ iieej.org
2020年 4月 2日 (木) 17:19:43 JST
画像電子学会誌(電子版) 2021年1月号
(英文:IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing Vol.8,
No.2 2020年12月発行(電子版))
Special Issue on CG & Image Processing Technologies for Automation,
Labor Saving and Empowerment
和文、英文とも 2020年5月29日(金)、必着
(2021年1月号和文誌、2020年12月号英文誌 掲載予定)
2021年1月号 論文特集号 論文募集
画像電子学会 編集委員会
1. 対象分野(キーワード):
・IoT, ユビキタス,ビッグデータ
2. 論文の取り扱い
Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing
3. 特集号発行
画像電子学会誌(電子版) 2021年1月号
(英文:IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing Vol.8,
No.2 2020年12月発行)
4. 論文投稿締切日
5. 投稿方法および問い合わせ先
画像電子学会 http://www.iieej.org/
〒116-0002 東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二 101号室
TEL: 03-5615-2893, FAX:
03-5615-2894, E-mail:hensyu @ iieej.org
Call for Papers
Special Issue on CG & Image Processing Technologies for Automation,
Labor Saving and Empowerment
IIEEJ Editorial Committee
A declining birthrate and a rapid aging population are common problems
in developed countries. Particularly in Japan, the working-age
population is declining continuously, after reaching its peak in 1995,
resulting in a shortage of labor. On the other hand, per capita labor
productivity in Japan is very low, ranking 21st out of 36 OECD countries
in 2018. In order to solve the labor shortage, it is necessary not only
to expand the workforce but also to improve labor productivity.
Low productivity may be due to Japan-specific personnel systems and
social customs, but improvements in productivity can also be expected
through automation and labor saving technologies such as autonomous
driving that has been actively studied in recent years and white collar
work automation using RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Specifically,
automation applications can be expected to expand into a wide range of
fields in the future by using evolving image recognition technology,
increasing information from IoT devices, and less expensive robots.
Productivity can also be improved by adding value to the product or
empowering workers, such as by using the Cloud. A wide range of image
processing technologies can contribute to productivity, such as decision
making support with image analysis, time saving with remote processing
using IoT devices, and improvement of customer service through
interactive video processing systems.
Based on this background, we look forward to receiving your papers,
system development papers, and data papers in this special issue.
1. Topics covered include but not limited to
Image Processing, Image Recognition, Image Detection, Pattern
Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, IoT, Ubiquitous, Big
Data, Autonomous Driving, RPA, Automation, Robotics, Usability,
Interface, Interaction, Other related fundamental / application /
systemized technologies.
2. Treatment of papers
Submission paper style format and double-blind peer review process are
the same as an ordinary contributed paper. If the number of accepted
papers is less than the minimum number for the special issue, the
acceptance paper will be published as an ordinary contributed paper. We
ask for your understanding and cooperation.
3. Publication of Special Issue:
IEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing Vo.8, No.2
(December 2020)
4. Submission Deadline:
Friday, May 29, 2020
5. Contact details for Inquires:
IIEEJ Office E-mail: hensyu @ iieej.org
6. Online Submission
URL: http://www.editorialmanager.com/iieej/
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
福島理恵子 Rieko Fukushima
東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
TEL 03-5615-2893 FAX 03-5615-2894
E-mail : hensyu @ iieej.org
Facebook Page(Japanese): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ Facebook
Page(English): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ.E
image メーリングリストの案内