[image 03955] NICOGRAPH International 2020 ポスター発表募集

Yuriko TAKESHIMA takeshimayrk @ stf.teu.ac.jp
2020年 4月 7日 (火) 20:09:24 JST



6月5日(金)、6月6日(土)に開催されるNICOGRAPH International 2020の



 東京工科大学 八王子キャンパス





-- NICOGRAPH International 2020: Call for Papers (Poster)  --
June 5-6, 2020, Tokyo University of Technology, Hachioji Campus, Tokyo, Japan.

* Important announcement
After careful consideration on the epidemic of COVID-19,
we have decided to change the venue to Tokyo University of Technology, Hachioji Campus,
and to make it possible to participate online without coming to the venue.

June 5-6, 2020, Tokyo University of Technology, Hachioji Campus, Tokyo, Japan.

The 19th annual international conference "NICOGRAPH International 2020",
organized by the Society for Art and Science will take place during June 5-6, 2020
in Tokyo University of Technology, Hachioji Campus, Tokyo, Japan (https://www.teu.ac.jp/).

NICOGRAPH has quarter-century history. Its foundation can be traced back to 1985.
The time-honored annual conferences have been organized by the Society for Art and Science
since 2000, which aim at promoting the research combining science and art in computer graphics
and related fields as well as to advance the development of interactive media art. In 2002,
the first international conference NICOGRAPH International rose out of the domestic series,
and since then NICOGRAPH international conference has been organized annually.

>From 2016, all accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings to be published
by Conference Publishing Services (CPS) (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/home) and
submitted to the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries.

* Important Date *
Poster Submission:  Apr. 10, 2020
Early Registration: On or before Apr. 30, 2020
Camera-ready:  Apr. 30, 2020

* Submission *
Submission categories include full paper (up to 8 pages), short paper (up to 4 pages)
and poster (1 page). We are currently accepting only posters.

* Topics and keywords of the conference include but not limited to:
Computer Graphics
Compute Vision
Image/Video Processing
Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
Digital Art
Video Game
Content Design
Affective Computing

* In Cooperation with:
ADADA JAPAN (http://adada.info/jp/)

The member of the society for art and science can submit extended versions of
NICOGRAPH International papers to ADADA International Journal.

image メーリングリストの案内