[image 04047] Pacific Graphics 2020: Call for Work-in-Progress Papers and Posters

Makoto Okabe m.o @ acm.org
2020年 8月 6日 (木) 16:58:02 JST

image-ML, cgvi-MLの皆様、


Pacific Graphics 2020  https://pg2020.org/

  Work-in-Progress Papers: 22 AUG, 2020 23:59:59 UTC
  Posters:                 22 AUG, 2020 23:59:59 UTC

WIP papersとpostersはEG digital libraryにアーカイブされます。


Call for Work-in-Progress Papers and Posters

The Pacific Graphics 2020 welcomes work-in-progress (WIP) and poster
submissions in the areas of (but are not limited to): modeling,
rendering, animation, imaging, visualization, simulation, virtual
reality, augmented reality, human-computer interaction, graphics
systems, and related disciplines. Pacific Graphics is a flagship
conference of the Asia Graphics Association and has a CORE ranking of
A. Authors are encouraged to submit work-in-progress and practical
applications to demonstrate a novel and applicable ideas in all
aspects of computer graphics.

Important Dates:
Submission          22 AUG 2020
Decision notification 12 SEP 2020
Camera ready        06 OCT 2020
Publication          2020
Presentation        2021

**** Presentation and Publication

Because the offline meeting of PG2020 will be held in Wellington, New
Zealand in “2021”, we have different time schedule for the publication
and presentation. We are happy to announce that all accepted WIP
papers and posters will be archived in EG digital library
(https://diglib.eg.org/). The publication year is 2020.

The authors of accepted WIP papers and posters are encouraged to
present their work in 2021 conference, but it is NOT required. In the
conference held in 2021, authors of accepted WIP papers will have an
approximately fifteen-minute oral presentation of their work at the
conference. Accepted posters will be displayed during the conference
and also will form the focus of a poster session in conjunction with
one of the social events. Authors of accepted posters are expected to
present their posters during the poster session to discuss their work
and answer questions. More details will follow when the conference
program is finalized.

A publication fee of 50 Euro will be charged for each WIP paper or poster.

**** Submission Details

Authors can make an electronic submission through the Submission and
Review Management system. Authors are asked to indicate their
preferences whether the submission needs to be considered as a
work-in-progress paper or a poster. When both options are selected,
the work will first be reviewed as a work-in-progress paper, and then
evaluated as a poster submission.

Work-in-progress papers and posters submission should strive not to
exceed two pages and must be formatted according to the Pacific
Graphics Author’s guideline. Authors may accompany a preliminary
version of the actual poster if they choose to be considered as a
poster submission. Each paper receives reviews from the committee and
external tertiary reviewers. Committee members know the author’s
identities, but tertiaries do not. Authors do not know the identities
of the reviewers. Please remove all personal data (e.g., names,
affiliation, etc.) from your submission.

Poster Chairs
Sung-hee Lee, KAIST
Stefanie Zollmann, University of Otago

Work In Progress (WIP) Chairs
Makoto Okabe, Shizuoka University
Burkhard Wuensche, The University of Auckland

Makoto Okabe, Ph.D
m.o @ acm.org

image メーリングリストの案内