[image 03857] Cooking challengeのご案内

Atsushi SHIMADA atsushi @ ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
2020年 1月 13日 (月) 15:06:04 JST

Image-ML の皆様






                                               CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                           Cooking Activity Recognition Challenge

                                   Jun. 22nd - 25th, 2020, Kitakyushu, Japan
             International Conference on Activity and Behavior
Computing (ABC 2020)
                                   In conjunction with ICIEV&IVPR2020

Activity Recognition is the process of automatically inferring what a
user is doing based on sensor observations. When your smartphone
automatically identifies if you have been walking or running, it is
doing activity recognition using the observations of its accelerometer
sensor. Other applications of activity recognition include remote
monitoring of daily activities for elders living alone and automatic
record creation for nurses in hospitals. Although these applications
only require the recognition of the activity being done, i.e.
cooking, such complex activities are usually made up of several
smaller activities like ‘taking from the fridge’. Recognizing such
steps can have several advantages.  For instance, in the scenario of
an elder living alone recognizing the steps can be used to remind them
of a missing step, or to ensure a healthy diet is being followed. In
the scenario of the nursing record, recognizing the steps can be used
for care quality assessment and for ensuring that safety protocols
have been followed like washing the hands at the proper moments.

Current activity recognition systems focus on recognizing either the
complex label (macro activity) or the small steps (micro activities)
but their combined recognition is critical for analysis like the ones
proposed. In fact, in a nursing scenario, washing the hands after
taking blood is very different than doing it before, as it is
mandatory. Therefore, in this challenge, we aim at the recognition of
the macro and micro activities taking place during cooking sessions.

In this challenge, participants will create methods for recognizing
both the macro and micro activities occurring in a 30 seconds window
during a cooking session.
The evaluation will be done based on the average of the accuracy of
the macro activity (classification) and that of the micro activities
(multilabel classification)

The winner (one team representative) will get
- 100K yen, and
- be invited to our installations in Kitakyushu, Japan. The itinerary
will be supported 250K yen. Read conditions in the web page.

- Challenge papers: 4-10 pages in a single column
- Please use Springer Contributed Book format
- Submit from Microsoft CMT for ICIEV2020 and select the ABC.

Start of competition:                January 9, 2020
Registration closes:                  February 15
Test data sent to participants:  March 11, 2020
Submission of results:               March 18, 2020
Submission of paper:                March 25, 2020
Results of submission:              April 6, 2020
Camera-ready paper:                April 20, 2020
Sozolab (sozolab.jp)
Larsen Team (https://team.inria.fr/larsen/)

image メーリングリストの案内