[image 04077] 3D Geometry and Vision Seminar

Ko Nishino nishino.ko.5a @ kyoto-u.ac.jp
2020年 9月 9日 (水) 09:59:44 JST


Simon Fraser大学の古川先生に代わって、3D Geometry and Vision Seminarのご案内をさせていただきます。

Interested in Geometry Processing and 3D Computer Vision? We are happy
to announce a virtual seminar on 3D Geometry and Vision (3DGV) for
this fall semester! https://3dgv.github.io/

Given the travel restrictions imposed by the COVID crisis, we see a
series of seminar talks as a great way to continue the academic dialog
and to keep our communities connected. The seminar consists of a set
of lectures by top researchers from Asia, Europe, and America on the
topics of "Geometry Processing" and "3D Computer Vision". With
exceptions, the seminar will take place on Wednesday and will cycle
through the three different time-zones based on the location of the
speaker. To make the seminar as accessible as possible, we will freely
stream the talks, e.g., on YouTube. Listening to the talks and asking
questions will thus be extremely simple. Since participating live can
be a challenge due to the shift between time zones, we will record and
make publicly available as many of the talks as possible.

We have an exciting line-up of confirmed speakers (in order of their
talks): Marc Pollefeys, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Xin Tong, Michael
Bronstein, Tom Funkhouser, Gim Hee Lee, Niloy Mitra, Georgia Gkioxari,
Jiajun Wu, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, David Fouhey, Hui Huang, Andrew
Davison, and Leo Guibas. Our first speaker will be Marc Pollefeys at
noon (12:00) on 9/2nd Wed (Swiss / Central European time). Please
visit the seminar website for the details: https://3dgv.github.io/

Organizers: Angela Dai, Angela Yao, Angjoo Kanazawa, Juyong Zhang,
Qi-xing Huang, Torsten Sattler, and Yasutaka Furukawa.
Supervisors: Baoquan Chen, Jana Kosecka, Jitendra Malik, Leonidas
Guibas, Lourdes Agapito, Michael Black, and Richard Hartley.
Yasutaka Furukawa
Associate Professor
Department of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
furukawa @ sfu.ca

西野 恒
京都大学 情報学研究科 知能情報学専攻 教授
京都市左京区吉田本町 総合研究9号館南棟 S-303

image メーリングリストの案内