[image 04361] 【締め切り延長6/28】 IEVC2021 3rd Call for Papers (Call for Late Breaking Papers) Shiretoko (Shari), Hokkaido, Japan / Sept. 8-11, 2021
IIEEJ hensyu
hensyu @ iieej.org
2021年 6月 15日 (火) 11:07:56 JST
“The 7th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and
VisualComputing (IEVC2021)”
Late Breaking Papers の申し込み締め切りが延長されました。
・Pre-Entry Submission (title, authors):June 28, Monday
多くの方が参加して頂くことで 有意義な国際会議となりますよう、
The 7th IIEEJ International Conference on
Image Electronics and Visual Computing 2021 (IEVC2021)
Shiretoko (Shari), Hokkaido, Japan / Sept. 8-11, 2021
The International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing
2021 (IEVC2021) will be held in Shiretoko (Shari), Hokkaido, Japan, on
Sept. 8-11, 2021, as the 7th international academic event of the
Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ) based on the
great success of IEVC2007 held in Cairns, Australia, IEVC2010 held in
Nice, France, IEVC2012 held in Kuching, Malaysia, IEVC2014 held in Koh
Samui, Thailand, IEVC2017 in Danang, Vietnam, and IEVC2019 held in Bali,
Indonesia. The conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers,
developers, and students from various fields in both academia and
industry for discussing the latest researches, standards, developments,
implementations and application systems in all areas of image
electronics and visual computing.
Conference venue:
The conference venue is Yumehall Shiretoko, Shari Town, Hokkaido, JAPAN.
Paper submission:
The official language is English, and authors should submit their papers
as PDF through the online submission system. For details, visit the
IEVC2021 official website.
(General papers submissions have already closed.)
Late Breaking Papers:
All suitably submitted papers for this category will be accepted for the
conference. The authors must submit an abstract of which length is 1-2
pages, and select one from the following two types: 1) Technical papers
or 2) Art/Demo papers. All the registered papers as late breaking papers
will be published only in the USB proceedings of IEVC2021.
Important Dates
- Pre-Entry Submission (title, authors):June 28, Monday, 2021 (extended)
- Abstract Submission (1-2 pages):July 1, Thursday, 2021 (extended)
- Notification of Acceptance:July 5, Monday, 2021
- Camera-Ready Paper (1-2 pages):July 9, Friday, 2021 (extended)
Important information:
Online participation/presentation will be allowed for those who cannot
come to the venue and make a presentation due to the COVID-19.
問い合わせ用メールアドレス: ievc2021 @ iieej.org
IEVC2021実行委員長 内田 理(東海大学)
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
福島理恵子 Rieko Fukushima
東京都荒川区荒川三丁目35番4 ライオンズマンション三河島第二
TEL 03-5615-2893 FAX 03-5615-2894
E-mail : hensyu @ iieej.org
Facebook Page(Japanese): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ Facebook
Page(English): http://www.facebook.com/IIEEJ.E
image メーリングリストの案内