[image 04492] CFP: IEEE PacificVis 2022 Visualization Notes - Call for Participation

Yuki Igarashi yukim @ acm.org
2021年 10月 13日 (水) 16:30:44 JST



2022年4月11-14日につくばで開催予定の国際会議IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2022 (PacificVis 2022) のお知らせです。

PacificVisは、IEEE VIS(米国), EuroVis(ヨーロッパ) に続き、IEEEが主催(共催)する可視化関連の三大国際会議の一つとして、アジア・太平洋諸地域で開催される国際会議であり、情報可視化、科学的可視化、グラフ・ネットワークの可視化、ビジュアルアナリティクスをはじめ、機械学習、教育、生物科学、社会科学などさまざまな分野の可視化研究を対象とした統合的な可視化シンポジウムです。


ショートペーパートラックである「Visualization Notes」の締切が12月10日となっております。

PacificVis 2022 Visualization Notes - Call for Participation

Welcome to the 15th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium! PacificVis
2022 is planned to be held during April 11, 2022 through April 14,
2022 at Tsukuba Center for Institutes, Japan.
PacificVis is a unified visualization symposium, welcoming all areas
of visualization research such as: information visualization,
scientific visualization, graph and network visualization, visual
analytics, and specific applications such as (but not limited to)
security-, software- and bio-visualization.

PacificVis 2022 features a short paper track, called "Visualization
Notes". The purpose of this track is to encourage young researchers to
present their work and discuss with participants including senior
researchers there. The submissions can be late-breaking results or
work in progress, while they should be novel enough to attract
interest from the visualization community.

# Important Dates

- Paper submission deadline: Dec. 10, 2021
- Notification: Jan. 21, 2022
- Camera-ready due: Feb. 10, 2021
All deadlines are due at 9:00 pm Pacific Time (PDT/PST).

# Submission

Papers are to be submitted online through new Precision Conference
System at the Visualization Notes track of PacificVis 2022 (VGTC).
Original unpublished papers of up to five (5) pages (two-column,
single-spaced, 9 point font, including figures, tables and references)
are invited. Manuscripts must be written in English, and follow the
formatting guidelines. It is recommended (but not mandatory) to submit
an anonymized version of your manuscript for double-blind review - in
this case, please remove all author and affiliation information from
submissions and supplemental files as well as substitute your paper's
ID number for the author name. Papers should be submitted
electronically in Adobe PDF format. Please provide supplemental videos
in QuickTime MPEG-4 or DivX version 5, and use TIFF, JPEG, or PNG for
supplemental images.

# Visualization Notes Co-Chairs

Steffen Frey, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Bum Chul Kwon, IBM Research, United States
Wenwen Dou, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States

# Contact

pvis_notes @ pvis.org

image メーリングリストの案内