[image 05161] 国際会議CVM 2024論文募集の案内(2023/10/12締切)
Yuki Koyama
koyama.y @ aist.go.jp
2023年 9月 10日 (日) 15:30:02 JST
産総研の小山です。グラフィクス・ビジョン分野の国際会議 "Computational Visual Media 2024" (CVM 2024) のPublicity Chairを務めています。ぜひ皆様論文投稿をご検討ください。
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE)
- Graphical Models (Elsevier)
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology (Springer)
- Computational Visual Media (Springer)
特に会議の名前を冠しているComputational Visual Media ( https://www.springer.com/journal/41095 ) は比較的新しいジャーナルですが、直近のImpact Factorが6.9となっています。
論文締切: 2023年10月12日(概要は10月09日)
会議日程: 2024年04月10-12日
場所: Wellington(ニュージーランド)
ウェブ: http://iccvm.org/2024/
小山 裕己
# Call For Paper
With the rapid progress in recent technologies, large-scale visual data can be found on the Internet, bringing significant opportunities for novel processing of visual information, as well as commercial applications. Systematically managing such data, finding patterns in it, understanding them, efficiently processing them, and making best use of them present great challenges. The Computational Visual Media Conference series, of which this is the 12th conference, will provide a forum for exchanging recent research ideas and practical achievements in all areas and applications of Visual Media.
The Computational Visual Media Conference 2024 will be run in plenary sessions (no parallel tracks) on the dates April 10-12, 2024, and will be hosted by Victoria University of Wellington.
## Conference Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Animation and physical simulation
- Cognition of visual media
- Content security of visual media
- Editing and composition of visual media
- Enhancement and re-rendering of visual media
- Geometric computing for image and video
- Geometry modeling and processing
- Image and video retrieval
- Interactive editing of visual media
- Machine Learning for visual media
- Recognition and understanding of visual media
- Rendering
- Social Networks and social media
- Visualization and visual analytics
## Information for Authors
Full papers in English containing original and unpublished results are solicited. The length of a paper should not exceed 14 pages. The paper should be submitted in pdf format, and each submission are allowed to upload a supplementary file within 50M.
## Important Dates
Abstract due: October 9, 2023.
Full papers due: October 12, 2023.
Acceptance notification: November 27, 2023.
Conference days: April 10-12, 2024.
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT. To determine what time this means in your local time zone, you can use The World Clock.
## Proceedings and Special Journal issues
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee and papers of high quality will be accepted as full papers or poster papers. All accepted full papers will be published in journals (after a revision round), including IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , Graphical Models (Elsevier), Journal of Computer Science and Technology (Springer), and Computational Visual Media (Springer).
PDF version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10FaCjJHoFnRgSJ_-MVfgJCkCjMXx5pXN/view?usp=share_link
image メーリングリストの案内