[image 05278] 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション特集号論文募集(締切4/22)

近藤一晃 kondo @ ccm.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2024年 2月 13日 (火) 11:02:52 JST

# クロスポストご容赦ください











・投稿期限  2024年 4月22日
・最終採否通知 2024年 10月30日
・論文誌発行  2025年 3月号


・電子情報通信学会論文投稿システム(下記URL)を用いて「A 基礎・境界:[特集 HA] 
(3) ディジタルデータの容量上限については以下のようにさせて頂きます.
(4) 投稿論文へのディジタルデータの添付(提出)方法は以下の通りです.

委員長  近藤 一晃(京都大学)
副委員長 酒向慎司(名古屋工業大学)
幹事   高嶋和毅 (東北大学),松村耕平 
委員 川崎 真弘(筑波大学),小川 浩平(名古屋大学),大本 義正(静岡大学),平山 
高嗣(人間環境大学),川本 一彦(千葉大学),中澤 篤志(京都大学),宮城 愛美(筑波技術大学),前田 
義信(新潟大学),田中 貴紘(名古屋大学),山西 良典(関西大学),酒井 元気(日本大学),木村 


近藤 一晃(京都大学)hcg-tokushu-kanji @ hcg.ieice.org

Special Section on Human Communication VI

The IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems announces that it will 
publish a special section entitled “Special Section on Human 
Communication VI” in June 2025.

Human Communication Studies focus on the role played by Information and 
Communication Technologies (ICTs) in human communication processes. It 
is committed to improving the theory and methodology concerning the 
adoption, use, applications, effects, and the psychological, social, and 
policy implications of ICTs. Areas of research include computer-mediated 
communication, new media, social media, augmented and virtual reality, 
assistive technology, technology studies, big data, crowdsourcing, 
privacy, digital news, crisis, and other technologically mediated social 
interaction and networking at all levels of analysis (interpersonal, 
interpersonal, group, organizational, national, and international). The 
objective of this special section is to publish and overview recent 
progress in the interdisciplinary area of human communication. We call 
for papers that make an innovative and original contribution to our 
understanding of ICTs, with a focus on the technology itself within the 
context of human communication. But the topics are not limited to this 
domain. The related interests are highly welcomed. All submitted papers 
are subjected to the same review processes as those papers accepted for 
publication in the regular issues.

1. Scope
This special section aims at timely dissemination of research in these 
areas. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Human communication sciences
- Human information processing
- Media experience and virtual environment
- Well-being information technology
- Human probe
- Informatics science on cognition and behaviors
- Verbal and nonverbal communication
- Attractiveness computing
- Comic Computing
- Language as Real-time Communication

2. Submission Instructions
- A manuscript should be prepared according to the guideline given in 
“The Information for Authors” 
(https://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/mokuji_iss.html). We encourage the 
authors to use the IEICE Style File 
(https://www.ieice.org/ftp/index-e.html). The preferred length of the 
manuscript is 8 pages for a PAPER and 2 pages for a LETTER with the 
format determined by the IEICE Style File.
- Submit the manuscript through the IEICE Web site 
(https://review.ieice.org/regist/regist_baseinfo_e.aspx). Choose 
“[Special-HC] Human Communication” in the menu of “Journal/Section” in 
the submission page. Do not choose “[Regular-ED] Information and 
Systems” or other special sections.
- Authors must agree to the "Copyright Transfer, Article Processing 
Charge Agreement, Notices from the IEICE, and Privacy Policy" via 
electronic submission.
- Submission deadline of the manuscript is 22 April 2024.
- Notification of acceptance is due on 30 October 2024.

Special Section Editorial Committee: hcg-tokushu-kanji @ hcg.ieice.org

3. Special Section Editorial Committee
Guest Editors-in-Chief: 		Kazuaki Kondo (Kyoto University)
Guest Associate Editors-in-Chief: 	Shinji Sako (Nagoya Institute of 
Guest Associate Editors:		Kazuki Takashima (Tohoku University)
Kohei Matsumura (Ritsumeikan University)
Hideyuki Ando (Osaka University of Arts)
Kazuhiro Otsuka (Yokohama National University)
Masahiro Kawasaki (University of Tsukuba)
Kohei Ogawa (Nagoya University)
Yoshimasa Ohmoto (Shizuoka University)
Takatsugu Hirayama (University of Human Environments)
Kazuhiko Kawamoto (Chiba University)
Atsushi Nakazawa (Kyoto University)
Manabi Miyagi (Tsukuba University of Technology)
Yoshinobu Maeda (Niigata University)
Takahiro Tanaka (Nagoya University)
Ryosuke Yamanishi (Kansai University)
Motoki Sakai (Nihon University)
Atsunobu Kimura (Tokyo University of Science)

* Upon accepted for publication, all authors, including authors of 
invited papers, should pay the article processing charges covering 
partial cost of publication around November 2025. If payment is not 
completed by 15 December 2025 your manuscript will be handled as rejection.
* The standard period of 60 days between the notification (of 
conditional accept) and the second submission can be shortened according 
as the review schedule.
* If there are non-members among the authors, we recommend that the 
authors take this opportunity to join the IEICE. For detailed 
information on the IEICE Membership Application, please visit the 
web-page, https://www.ieice.org/eng_r/join/individual_member.html. If 
all authors are non-members, the article processing charge for 
non-members will be applied, except for invited papers. Furthermore, 
authors will not receive their own advance publication article, which is 
a service provided only to IEICE members.
* Open Access Publishing: All papers published in the IEICE Transactions 
on Information and Systems since January 2008 have been opened to all 
readers in the world through J-STAGE. 
* IEICE will begin a multilingual (16 languages) translation trial of 
IEICE Transactions Online in April 2024. Please visit 
https://www.ieice.org/eng/s_issue/cfp/triale.pdf for details.

Kazuaki Kondo,
Nakamura Lab., Kyoto university, Japan
tel: +81-75-753-7459
e-mail: kondo @ ccm.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp

image メーリングリストの案内