[image 00096] 国際会議〜稿〆切延長のお知らせ

田口 亮 ataguchi @ tcu.ac.jp
2013年 6月 6日 (木) 08:40:48 JST



先日、ご案内させて頂きました下記の国際会議(ISPACS 2013)ですが、


2013 International Symposium on
Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2013)
November 12-15, 2013
Okinawa Jichi-Kaikan, Naha, Okinawa, Japan

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
IEICE ESS, Tokyo City University, NICT, SCAT

The International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and
Communication Systems (ISPACS) is the premier networking forum of
leading researchers especially from Asia-Pacific basin in the highly
active fields of theory, design and implementation of intelligent
signal processing and communication systems.

ISPACS 2013 will be held in Naha, Okinawa, Japan from 12 November to
15 November 2013.  The symposium presents every possibility on new
technologies based on signal processing and communication.

Only the papers that will be presented in the symposium will be sent
to the IEEE in order to be included in the IEEE Xplore database.

The ISPACS 2013 will include regular sessions on the topics listed
below and some special sessions on emerging intelligent signal
processing and communication system topics.

  1. Communication Systems
  2. Multimedia and Systems
  3. Signal Processing
  4. VLSI
  5. Circuits and Systems
  6. Emerging Technologies in Signal Processing and Communications
  * See the URL http://www.ispacs2013.org/?cfp for more information

Important dates
  Deadline for submission of full papers:  June 30, 2013(extended deadline)
  Notification of acceptance:  August 23, 2013
  Deadline for submission of camera-ready papers:  September 21, 2013

Organizing Committee
 Honorary Chair
    Kaoru Arakawa (Meiji University, Japan)
 General Chair
    Akira Taguchi (Tokyo City University, Japan)
 General co-Chairs
    Yoshio Itoh (Tottori University, Japan)
   Moncef Gabbouj (Tampere University of Tech., Finland)
 Technical Program Chair
    Yukitoshi Sanada (Keio University, Japan)
 Technical Program co-Chairs
    Douglas K.W. Chai (Edith Cowen University, Australia)
    Kim-Hui Yap (Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore)
 Special Session Chairs
    Mitsuji Muneyasu (Kansai University, Japan)
    Hiroshi Ochi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
 Promotion Chair
    Yoshikazu Miyanaga (Hokkaido University, Japan)
 Publicity Chair
    Hiroshi Tsutsui (Kyoto University, Japan)
 Publication Chair
    Shingo Yoshizawa (Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan)
 Finance Chair
    Naoto Sasaoka (Tottori University, Japan)
 Registration Chair
    Yukio Mitsuyama (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
 Local Arrangement Chairs
    Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
    Masato Saito (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
 General Secretary
    Mamiko Inamori (Tokai University, Japan)

Contact e-mail address: contact @ ispacs2013.org 

image メーリングリストの案内