[image 00757] ACCV2014: Call for Demos
Koichi Kise
kise @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp
2014年 7月 25日 (金) 19:00:13 JST
ACCV2014 (シンガポール 11/3-5, 2014)のデモ募集です。
Call for Demos -- ACCV 2014
the National University of Singapore, Singapore
November 03 - 05, 2014 (during ACCV 2014 main conference)
ACCV 2014 solicits submissions for technical demonstrations. The purpose
of demos is to give researchers the opportunity to showcase live
demonstrations of their contributions. The demonstrations need not be
limited only to papers that have been presented at ACCV 2014. The
organizing committee encourages researchers to demonstrate the
effectiveness of methods described in papers presented in the past
conferences and in other venues, so long as they fall within the broad
context of ACCV.
Prospective demo participants should fill out the demo application
and submit it to demo chairs by e-mail (demochairs @ accv2014.org). Brief
instruction for submission is also included in the application file and
ACCV 2014 website (http://accv2014.org/). All demo presenters must be
registered for the conference. The conference reserves the right to
select demonstrations based on the degree of appropriateness for ACCV.
Accepted demo abstracted will be included in the ACCV 2014 online
proceedings. In ACCV, demonstrators will be provided with space and
network connection but the demo should not rely on Internet access. The
participants will be required to provide their own computing equipment
and any additional hardware (e.g. network, display, sensor, etc.) needed
for the demonstration.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: September 08, 2014
- Acceptance notification: September 20, 2014
Submission: by e-mail to demochairs @ accv2014.org
Contact For further information about demos please contact ACCV 2014
demo chairs, Bohyung Han and Koich Kise (demochairs @ accv2014.org).
Koichi Kise, Ph.D., Professor
Dept. of Computer Science and Intelligent Systems,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka Prefecture University
1-1 Gakuencho, Naka, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
Phone: +81-72-254-9276 FAX: +81-72-254-8291
E-mail: kise @ cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp, kise @ ieee.org,
kise @ acm.org, kise @ computer.org
Web: http://imlab.jp/~kise/
image メーリングリストの案内