[image 01234] ACM Multimedia 2015 - Call for Video Program Submissions (deadline: June 1, 2015)
Shin'ichi Satoh
satoh @ nii.ac.jp
2015年 5月 25日 (月) 10:43:12 JST
マルチメディアに関する国際会議ACM Multimedia 2015のお知らせです。その
中でも特に、Video Programについてご案内申し上げます。Video Programは、
適しております。ACM Multimediaは、Full paper, Short paper, Technical
が、Video Programは比較的通りやすいのではないかと思います。どうかご検
ACM Multimedia 2015 Video Program is intended to allow researchers to demonstrate their research results without having to bring the equipment for a "live" demo. Videos should present innovative research results, such as merging augmented reality and real world entities, showing the results of surveillance video processing, the use of multiple cameras, camera arrays or video-sensor networks or communicate complex ideas through novel means and solutions, or creative applications or multimedia artistic productions in new contexts.
The scope of the research presented in the video should be relevant to any of the 13 major research areas.
Expected Content
The maximum length allowed for video papers is 4 pages. At the presentation, the principal author should introduce the audience shortly to the presented idea. The actual display for showing the videos will be prepared by the committee.
* The videos can range in duration between 3 minutes to 8 minutes.
* The minimum spatial resolution is 320*240 pixels per frame.
* Videos should be submitted at a minimum of 15fps.
* The videos should be in a standard archival format, such as AVI, MOV, MPEG and H.264.
Submission Guidelines
ACM Multimedia 2015 video program uses a Web-based file hosting service for video submission.
The submission procedure is as follows:
1. Register and submit your abstract (up to 4 pages) via the ACMMM 2015 submission website before the submission deadline
2. Author(s) will receive an email containing details on how to get access and upload material to the file hosting service, after the submission deadline. We use "Dropbox" as the file hosting service.
3. Author(s) should submit the video to the file hosting service within 72 hours after receiving the notice, using the submission ID as the file name.
4. Author(s) will receive a confirmation email after the video has been manually checked.
Format ACM conference style (4 pages)
Papers of the Video program must be in the same form as for Short Papers and will appear in the Conference Proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library along with the accepted full and short papers.
Review style single-blind
Submission Website https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/acmmm2015
Important dates
* Submission Deadline: June 1, 2015
* Notification of acceptance: July 6, 2015
* Camera-ready Submission: August 15, 2015
For any questions regarding submissions please email the Video Program Chairs at video.program @ acmmm.org<mailto:video.program @ acmmm.org>:
* Shin'ichi Satoh (National Inst. of Informatics, Japan)
* Meng Wang (Hefei University of Technology, China)
* Jinman Kim (The University of Sydney, Australia)
Publicity Chairs:
Jiebo Luo (University of Rochester, USA), Weidong Cai (The University of Sydney, Australia), and Lei Zhang (Microsoft, USA)
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image メーリングリストの案内