[image 01790] ITSGC2016のCFP

Xiang Ruan ruanxiang @ gmail.com
2016年 5月 12日 (木) 15:01:12 JST



HEREのDr. Xin Chenさんの代理でITSGC2016のCall of Participation情報を転送します。

23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems Grand Challenge:
Lane Level Localization on a 3D Map Oct 10th – 14th, 2016,
Melbourne, Australia

Call for Participation

The 23rd Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress will be
held in Melbourne, Australia, Oct 10th to 14th, 2016, under the banner of
“ITS – Enhancing Liveable Cities and Communities”. In advance of the event
itself, the Congress calls universities world-wide to this University
Grand Challenge, an opportunity to showcase contributions of academic
research to one identified challenge in Intelligent Transportation Systems
and Automated Driving: Lane level localization on a 3D map. The best
contributions to the University Grand Challenge will have an opportunity
to present their solutions at the 23rd ITS World Congress.


The participants passing the assessment will be given the opportunity to
present their solutions to the Congress in an interactive session. Winners
will be recognized in the closing session of the Congress. Awards for the
best submission and the runner-ups: to be announced soon.

For more information
Please visit: http://itsworldcongress2016.com/release/145-2014-12-04

Organizing Committee
  Stephan Winter U Melbourne, Australia
  Xin Chen HERE, USA


To be a better man

image メーリングリストの案内