[image 02609] IEEE VR 2018 Updated Call for Journal and Conference Papers [Journal Abstract due 4th Sept.]

Maki Sugimoto sugimoto @ ics.keio.ac.jp
2017年 8月 29日 (火) 21:43:56 JST


IEEE VR 2018 Updated Call for Journal and Conference Papers [Journal
Abstract due 4th Sept.]


Image-ml の皆様,



IEEE VR 2018 Journal Papersの論文投稿の〆切りが近づいて参り
新たにConference Papersのカテゴリが加わることとなりました.



IEEE VR 2018: the 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User
Interfaces Updated Call for Papers (VR Journal Papers and VR Conference Papers)
March 18-22, 2018, Reutlingen, Germany

Since 1993, the IEEE Virtual Reality conference has been the premier
international venue for the presentation of research results in the
broad area of virtual reality (VR). Similarly, the IEEE Symposium on
3D User Interfaces (3DUI), which started as a workshop at IEEE VR in
2004, has become the premier venue for 3D user interfaces and 3D
interaction in VR environments.

Due to exploding worldwide interests and tremendous synergy of the
fields, VR and 3DUI have been merged into a single IEEE Conference on
Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, with the short name IEEE VR.

In contrast to previous years there will not be a separate 3DUI event.
Instead IEEE VR will encompass all of the great work in the areas of
VR, AR, and 3DUIs in parallel sessions. The conference is expected to
feature a very full program of research paper presentations and
posters, as well as panels, workshops, tutorials, and keynotes.

Furthermore, the submission categories have changed. IEEE VR 2018
features two categories of submissions: (i) VRJournal Papers, and (ii)
VR Conference Papers. Both categories have their own program
committees, submission processes, and review processes. The Program
Committee will not convert VR Journal Papers directly to VRConference

Further details about the two submission categories:

VR Journal Papers (to be published in the TVCG journal): Submissions
to this category should be 8–10 pages in length, including references,
and should contain substantial scientific contributions to the field
of VRand 3D user interfaces, and when appropriate provide complete and
substantial support for results and conclusions. All accepted VR
Journal Papers submissions will automatically be published in a
special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics (TVCG). All accepted VR Journal Paperssubmissions will also
include an oral presentation at IEEE VR.

VR Conference Papers (to be published in conference proceedings):
Submissions to this category should be 4–8 pages in length, including
references, and would typically reflect a more narrow (yet still
significant) scope of contribution than VR Journal Papers. VR
Conference Papers are not expected to cover all aspects of a typical
journal article, such as a broad and complete discussion and
description of related work, the design and implementation processes,
or an evaluation. Instead they may cover one or two specific areas in
depth, or relatively early work. The submission deadline for VR
Conference Papers will be after the notification for VRJournal Papers
submissions. All accepted VR Conference Papers will appear in the
archival proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2018 Conference,
continuing the highly successful legacy of IEEE Xplore Digital Library
papers under the IEEE Virtual Reality 2018 brand name, and all
accepted VR Conference Papers submissions will also include an oral
presentation at IEEE VR.

NOTE: Authors should carefully consider which category is appropriate
for their submission. There will be no programmatic path from VR
Journal Papers to VR Conference Papers. In other words, the VR Journal
Papersreviewers will NOT be allowed to convert a VR Journal Papers
submission to a VR Conference Paperssubmission. Any resubmission of a
VR Journal Papers submission to VR Conference Papers is a decision
that will have to be made by the authors.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Tracking and sensing
Input devices for VR/AR/MR
3D display and sensory feedback (all five senses)
Immersive projection technology
Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
Modeling and simulation
Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR/MR
Virtual humans and avatars
Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR
VR systems and toolkits
Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
User studies and evaluation
Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition
Teleoperation and telepresence
Applications of VR/AR/MR
Ethical issues in VR/AR/MR
Interactive storytelling in 360° videos
3D interaction and input devices for VR/AR/MR
3DUI metaphors for VR/AR/MR
Mobile, Desktop or Hybrid 3DUIs
Non-fatiguing 3DUIs
Evaluation methods for 3DUIs
Empirical studies of 3DUIs
Applications of 3DUIs: Games, entertainment, CAD, education, etc.
Collaborative 3D interaction
Software technologies to support VR/AR/3DUIs

Full details can be found in the Call for VR Journal Papers and VR
Conference Papers here:

IEEE VR 2018 Call for VR Journal Papers

IEEE VR 2018 Call for VR Conference Papers

Call for Posters, Panels, Tutorials, and Workshops will be issued separately.

Highlights of the submission deadlines for each category are as follows:

September 4, 2017:   VR Journal Papers abstracts due (REQUIRED)
September 11, 2017: VR Journal Papers submissions due
November 8, 2017:    VR Journal Papers notification of results of
first review cycle
November 22, 2017:  VR Conference Papers submissions due

Further details about the submission deadlines can be found in the
Call for VR Journal Papers
(http://ieeevr.org/2018/contribute/journalpapers.html) and Call for VR
Conference Papers

Questions about the VR Journal Papers track can be directed to the
Journal Papers Chairs:

Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, NAIST, JP
Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg, GER
Bruce Thomas, University of South Australia, AUS
Greg Welch, University of Central Florida, USA
program2018 [at] ieeevr.org

Questions about the VR Conference Papers track can be directed to the
Conference Papers Chairs:

Rob Teather, Carleton University, CA
Maud Marchal, IRISA, FR
Takuji Narumi, The University of Tokyo, JP
conferencepapers2018 [at] ieeevr.org

Maki Sugimoto, Ph.D.
mailto : sugimoto @ ics.keio.ac.jp
Associate Professor,
Interactive Media Laboratory,
Department of Information and Computer Science,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Tel: +81-45-566-1653 (ext. 43284)
Web: http://im-lab.net/

image メーリングリストの案内